The fairness debate


LOL, TILT, for months bad cards, aww time to try go fish lol:)


my account is no longer on hold huh? I guess you must have heard about my friends over at IOAction, Mr Tartaro, proof of concept
 and that little thing called “Rasberry PI Zero”
 Deckmaster shufflers 1 & 2, with a side helper of a tech insider and a USB port pretty much put this conversation about hacking systems that you continue to deny are unhackable
 to rest.

Bluetooth and a third party works great when you go up against a true hackster in a Deckmaster1 version

Now if a Deckmaster shuffler can be hacked, in a closed loop system through its video display, then you
by now
should realize that even if the play involves “free chips” that people purchase
 They, (patron players aka victims at this point in time), purchase more “Free” chips
who benefits? So @RPofficial
 is your site hackable and its Random Number Generator susceptible to fraud and cheats?

I’m going to say always. Given enough time to work the systems and software programs
they will always be tested
even so called “Free Chips”

All seems good to me.


First off, I want to see lawful, legal internet gaming nationwide. If you read my profile, then you know who and what I am.(retired
lol) But basically I am a poker player and I enjoy the game tremendously. It has been good to me over the years, and there are highs and lows
 Maybe I consider myself a step above a rec player.

There isn’t an answer to what I posted because, IMHO there will always be cheaters in gambling. I’m not addressing shills
as shills are legal in Vegas and some other jurisdictions
and shills do not have access to the software at game play during time they spend at a table.

What do I strive for? Why am I even bothering responding to you?

Elimination of all internet gaming cheats. Period.

I was told your unhackable
and the RNG cannot be manipulated. Rasberry IO Zion is proof that it can be, albeit a backdoor through the video link or a USB port and at times (I say “AT TIMES” NOT ALL THE TIME) with cooperation with an employee or technician employed of the site.

As it was, last month that is, no program engineer has been able to provide an answer to Rasberry IO Zion. Matter of fact, the program is (was?) undetectable by Deckmaster 1 & 2 when the hacking program is installed!

The owners of the games cannot even tell when they are and have been attacked
 Its been a month so I am hoping that someone has written code to capture when the sites are manipulated
 this leads to the game manipulation by cheating players. That cannot stand. In any game

Recently, some legal institutions have now permitted cell phones at the tables
 You can see how Im gonna have a problem with that
If you don’t, then a little more time spent on how to hack through a blueberry might be useful to you and your owners.

Playing the cards is exactly what hacking program Rasberry IO Zion does for the cheat. They know what the hand(s) are delt, before they are delt and to whom! With a little help, a 3rd party, the player knows what the other players are betting or checking on.

So how does this affect “Free Chips” and “Free play”? Obvious that the games ownership does not suffer any loss whatsoever and patrons purchasing more free chips after loosing their purchased stacks and rebuying more enable the site to continue to be successful to the owners. That’s why site owners need to be watchful of this corruptive practice.

If your patrons determine that your site is being hacked and cheated
Will they remain a patron member? Probably not if your not doing anything to stop the cheating
 you’ve got to know that your site is being manipulated in the first place. If you haven’t taken some of that “free chip” money and invested in a anti-hacking IT division on the clock 24/7/365, perhaps now is the time to address it.

Id even go as far as to give a quarterly or semi quarterly email update to your members that nothing has been detected through your IT department detecting hacks or cheats
 or that your company did find a hack, identify them, and you have removed them and their play permanently from your site.

When players confront and we talk about how the game is played, we can reduce the negative affect of cheats, educate the ownership and the other patrons to watch as they game, and you, as a site moderator can remove, permanently, cheats from your site.

So, to understand the question of fairness existing
as a former regulator of the industry
 fair play is actually the number one critical factor that can lead to a blanket approval nationwide-worldwide of internet gaming.

With cheats who design and employ Rasberry IO Zion and future program cheats that will derive themselves from hacking programs
there is no fair play and there is no fair opportunity for your good law abiding honest players when cheats play uncontested and unregulated.

Your honest lawful and entertaining players not involved in cheating will continue to return if they know your game and site is free from corrupt practices, admit when hacking programs like Rasberry IO Zion are detected
then even go as far as returning those “Free Chips” to your membership and explaining why the refunds are made.

I mean they were
 “Free Chips” in the first place
Right? Lol

I fell that
 there will always be people. out there, looking to cause trouble
 and might try to take advantage of replay poker sight
 but from my experience
 replay is fast to catch on and put an end to it
 as far as the replay poker sight favoring certain players
 player reps or staff
 I fell that this does not happen.


That’s not going to happen. I own a poker room. Cities, towns and states get a portion and a good portion of legal casino gambling revenue and Congress is not going to change that. It would be political suicide to take that money away from the jurisdictions they represent.

If we are talking about internet free poker sites, that is regulated by the country just like Replay is not available in over ( I think it’s 56 countries) in the world.

Just enjoy your time here.


Just noticed that the last certification was in 2021. So whats being used currently if they are no longer certified?

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Actually an RNG certification is good for 5 years. I used to be in this space.


cool thanks for the info

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You’re welcome

@Craig_Anthony lets be Honest here I Bought 6 RNG Certificates for $500 bucks for the poker machines at the bar I am the part owner of 
 Total SCAM 


Who were they issued by ? Sounds like you were scammed for paying for them for machines :joy::joy:

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once again u have no clue bud :slight_smile:

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I thought I would weigh in as this popped-up today.

I think the issue is due to the free chips;
We see hands we would rarely see dealt because people are playing with free chips and act in ways they would never act with real money. So the person going all-in with terrible cards wins on the river because nobody would ever see past the flop IRL. The person would have folded the terrible cards or would not be playing for very long if they tried it more than once. So we get to see the full statistics of possible hands being dealt where we would normally only see statistics from our own cards and maybe a flop and another player’s hand. Normal betting would see someone with 22 fold to players with much higher pairs. Here they can push their luck and draw a set on the river. If they lose, they shrug and get more chips and try again, learning nothing. They just wouldn’t do that IRL.

The deck is loaded in whatever random way each time but you get to see it play out far more often here.

So I think the algorithm is fair, you’re just able to see more of it in action.

There is also the issue of cognitive bias. We spend a lot of time (if we’re sensible) folding crappy hands and watching others do the same. It’s dull and lots of hands can pass by with not much at all happening. When something really noticable happens, we give it much more weight emotionally so we remember it. If you log the hands, you see the raw statistics. If you go by your experiences, you weight it heavily in favour of the bad beats, and a lot less so the great wins, and write off the rest. You can’t get a full picture that way.

If it makes people feel better to think the system is stacked (and I don’t understand why a website would stack hands against that one person all the time - it’s paranoia to think that is the case) then they can feel that way. I prefer to deal with real statistics rather than how I feel about it.

Not one person has been able to show statistics that demonstrate a consistent bias, whether that be against them personally, for one player over more than a few hands, or whatever the theory is. And what is the theory? The system is rigged? For who? Against who? It doesn’t make sense if you look at the data and not just how you feel.

I think you were scammed like I said. In your previous post you admitted that RNG certification can be manipulated by issuing bogus certificates but you actually admitted that you paid $500 for poker machine certification.

Who’s actually clueless Bud ? :slightly_smiling_face:


The hands clearly repeat with the algorithm.

There is a definite difference in the feel of this game vs real live poker

Is it a perception bias?

Pick a bias and run with it!

For example: The hand I had just a while ago

The flop was three spades - My opponent had one spade

We all know RP’s algorithm has a very high percentage of providing the player another spade.

I shove to get the player off of his hand if he has a spade.

My opponent knows what I know and insta calls

Two more spades arrive not just one that was needed.

I lose which is not a shock to me

I wished that I had his hand because I knew I would win with it.

So, we are actually just playing the algorithms tendencies.

Live poker, same hand as above, a spade wouldn’t show all the time.

Basically, it has an influence on the entire mindset of what hands to play.

If you see someone playing K8 and he consistently wins with it

If you see someone playing J8 and he consistently catches a straight

I would say that the vast majority of players in the know, will play the algorithm.

Even after the flop, their hand is short two cards for the straight.

They recognize the pattern already,

I’ve seen them all in after the flop with “absolutely nothing” but here come the turn card and river for

the straight.

Is it cheating?

Is knowing the algorithm tendencies fair?


It’s a recreational video poker site. It’s the same thing as having a video game system at home with a poker game like they sell lots of.

Free to play so does it really matter?


The RNG certificate gives the player the “illusion” that the outcome is a “random” event and the ROI is quite profitable. Seems to me with ur expert response to @Excaliburns that Replays RNG does the same. “It’s a recreational video poker site. It’s the same thing as having a video game system at home with a poker game like they sell lots of”

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A video game is a video game. Only replays pays free chips. Get it yet ?your the one that paid for RNG certificates for mechanical poker machines :slightly_smiling_face: