As the new school year begins, I want to thank all of our Great teachers in the school’s teaching our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren the things they will need to know to be successful in this world. The teachers have a huge responsibility as their students will be the future of us all.
Thank you for your service and hard work @jessieggg as a Great teacher. Are any more teachers in the replay community ?
I ask & encourage everyone to support our Great teachers in our school’s
What a nice post. My Mom is an elementary teacher for 30 years and I experienced first hand the involvement and responsibility it requires to do her job. Teaching is not for everyone and I am grateful to all teachers.
Please tell your mom @chipsmama , from me a very big thank you for her service to our children and I know she has been and will be will be very blessed for that service !!!
Awwwww! Sniff! Made me a little verklempt! Thank you, Craig. I can say it was easier to teach in the early 80s when I first started out–no cell phones! No social media! “The good-ol’ days.” Cheers to the teachers still in the trenches!
Jan you are one of the people I admire the most here. If it wasn’t for selfish educators like you I would not be in the position I am today in the world. I salute you and thank you .
I’m glad you didn’t @JanCee because, I’m sure your students will be or already are our Leaders & probably helping young ones with the knowledge they learned from you my friend.
On behalf of all teachers out there, thank you for your kind words. For all those who just embarked on another new school year, or perhaps your first, have a great year! I retired after 32 years of teaching elementary school.
Thank you So Much for your Service @alsmmxs for teaching our children and future leaders to hopefully teach others!!! And I hope and pray you are enjoying your well dissevered retirement,
If teachers are so great, then why are many of them teaching are kids all about equity and equality when we need to be teaching them how to read and do math.
We are just about last in the world when it comes to the education system and we pay more per student for their education than anyone in the world. How does that make sense?