Ozzy Osbourne, the legendary rock icon, acquired his stage name during his early years. Let’s delve into the fascinating origin of this iconic moniker:
- Teasing in Primary School: Ozzy’s real name is John Michael Osbourne. However, during his time in primary school, his fellow students playfully teased him by calling him “Ozzy.” Rather than letting it bother him, Ozzy embraced the nickname. It stuck with him throughout his life, becoming the name everyone knows him by12.
- Tattooed Across His Knuckles: Ozzy’s commitment to the name is evident—since the age of 16, he has sported the tattoo “Ozzy” across his knuckles1.
- The name “Ozzy” has become synonymous with his legendary status in the music world (How Ozzy Osbourne Got His Stage Name)1.
So, from childhood teasing to rock stardom, “Ozzy” remains an enduring part of John Michael Osbourne’s identity.