Site freezing regularly

Understand and support your suggestion. I suppose, I should have been more specific. For anyone who has a small amount of random access memory (RAM) chip, since this is where all cache, cookies reside:
You may have to clear them out more often especially if playing multiple tourneys and or have other sites running. There are a lot of other things on the PC that can also affect speed connectivity, etc.

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The simplest and least expensive way not upgrading your hardware is to close all windows except the table.


That could solve the problem. But for the folks that want to keep the windows open is that the solution? I believe the solution is to eliminate the cookies from your PC for those folks.

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The browsercache is saved on hard disk / SSD and not on Ram. The browser load from there only what he need to Ram, and much faster than loading it from web. Cache is there to make things faster, and not to get deleted. 3x daily deleting cache = 3x download (slow) and cache needed data from net again. SSD and CPU have Cache too, to make it faster.

Linux says this to my resources:

CPU sleeps while making System Update, Ram only 5% used. Sure enough to play poker.

I have on my (one) Computer in moment 15 operating systems, sometimes 5 of them running at same time. Playing poker at 4 tables is not a big problem.
But I have sometimes freezes, button delays, reconnects, … at playing only one table on only one operating system too.

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The big problem: The freezes, … are not around the clock. Many wrote on this thread they played one hour for test, and there are no problems. But to another daytime was then all tables standing.
Yesterday it sat me out of my KKK on flop.

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Exactly so no one needs to delete this as it only makes your computer slower. I’ve mentioned this multiple times. If your hardware is out of date cleaning your computer is only going to make it worse. Invest in a computer upgrade.

I think this is what’s causing the Site Freezing Regularly. Site freezing started around the same time this message started showing up. Got it!!

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Agree, but the notice has been here for a long time in another format. With the new look, much more pronounced. Maybe I am just very lucky, but have had zero freezes. Again just makes me wonder why some folks do and others do not. GL at the tables!

Absolutely correct and I thank you for the information. However cookies, which I believe is the root cause of the folks that are having freeze issues, resides in the Random Access Memory (RAM). That is why I suggest clearing cookies often especially if you have low RAM memory on the device, or use a browser that doesn’t allow cookies as I do.

It’s just a disclaimer which is now required by law on most websites, if you don’t ok the disclaimer you’re not getting into the website. Nothing related to glitches and freezers which I haven’t seen in a long time now.

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By the way @smooth99 , I never see that message unless, I change browsers, strange. Makes me wander :wink:


I see it no matter what browser I’m using, either at the top or the bottom depending on the browser. It’s the law now to notify of cookies on a website and what it’s tracking you for.


Actually, much better when just at one:)

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Try the Brave browser my friend and please, let me know if that notice appears

I asked because I only play one but my 4 monitors have 16 split screens total for my businesses lol

Yes it’s a cookie icon at the top of the browser.

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Interesting, but can’t find that on my monitor. As we both have said it shouldn’t be our responsibility to fix the problem, but I believe we should be providing the information, table & hand info to support to assist the tech team.


Top right . Hover over the icons.

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Site has been freezing today on several types of tournaments. It would be nice if there was some feedback that it has been corrected. See the forum topics and I have contacted support. Thank you

Wrote about this problem about 10 minutes ago. Game is frozen, yet it keeps taking my money. It says I’m sitting out when I’m not. Anyone having this problem right now.@ 16:42 8-3-23?