I was/am playing the 200k mothersday freeroll, the table closed, a new table opened, the window closed, then i got moved to a closed table and i cant get back in?
lobby is only updated to players left, not stacks, my name is not in it
*had above average stack
my profile page doesnt show me playing
“play now” button directs me to closed table
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Yep, i played a Mothers Day freeroll at 6:45am this morn and came in 3rd place and i didnt receive and tickets for that game and just joined a 100K Free Satellite and played one hand and got booted into space. Looks like things are just a mess now…again!
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i’ve been assigned closed tables before, but being completely removed from a tournament is new for me 
if you contact support im sure your ticktets will arive
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I’m not sure if this is all to do with that planned maintenance that they did, but I just noticed this on my Lobby page: Note the times.
12:15 here was 5 hours ago and 2:15 was 3 hours ago, no way that those tournaments would still be running as I have “Hide Running” checkbox enabled. I haven’t played any games today but from what I’ve read here, it sounds like a hot mess right now.
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Please, will anyone who has had issues today contact suport, you can use this:

or send an email to support@replaypoker.com
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I have already contacted support grapevine, thank you!
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all day I enter, takes my entry fee ( chips) then I don’t appear in any games, closest I have got in is to see the message " assigning table" thats it then nothing.
I can only advise that, if you have entered a MTT and it has taken your chips but not let you on the table, then contact the support options above and you will be reimbursed. The maintenance update has caused a few issues, but they are working to sort it out.
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