Chip inflation is the decrease in value of Replay chips that occurs as more chips enter the site. It is the same as inflation in economics in which prices (i.e., the number of chips needed to play against the population of opponents) rise over time, lowering the real value of the currency. Reducing further inflation would add long-term enjoyment to the site for users and would benefit the site financially.
Every day, thousands of players log in and add 2,500 chips each to the “economy”. If 5,000 players get the bonus per day (which seems reasonable since 1,000+ are on at any given time), that is about 12,500,000 new chips introduced per day and about 4.5 billion new chips per year. When combined with other bonuses and chip purchases, that number could be far greater.
Many players do quit the site causing many chips to “die” sitting in those inactive accounts, but I would argue that most of these accounts have relatively small amounts of chips in them from players who went broke or were on a downswing. Even if the number 2 player were to leave and take 10 billion chips out of the economy, that would not actually help because the 2-3 players who win the most actually reduce this inflation by siphoning off a large portion of the chips so that there are fewer in circulation (i.e., the gap between them and everybody else is so great that they essentially act like a regulatory bank, but I digress…).
I won’t go too far into how inflation negatively impacts enjoyment of the site because it is subjective. I know that this is a social site and some players can get enjoyment from playing at the same stakes over and over again and don’t care about how many chips they have. But that is not the case for all players, and the reward, the incentive, for playing poker lies in winning or losing. I used to be excited to win 100k because it meant I could play at a higher stake level, and now I don’t care about winning 3m because I am still 300m away from the next stake level.
From a financial perspective, the site would benefit from reducing this inflation. Many players seem to think that the site wants players to go broke and for certain players to win to promote chip buying, but in reality, chip inflation decreases the value of the chips, which would make it less likely that players would buy them. I receive advertisements from the site trying to sell me 60k chips, which is 0.03% of my bankroll. Why would anybody buy 60k or even 375k when 500k are needed to be ranked 11,000? Why would anybody buy 3.75m when the high stakes games are occupied by players with 10m or 100m or 500m or 10b? By allowing this inflation to go unchecked, the site is essentially devaluing its own product.
Preventing this inflation altogether is probably impossible because poker is a game of skill and winning players will continue to increase their chip counts, but there is at least one obvious way to decrease it. Increase the rake for ring games. I am not an expert on rake or the financial side of gaming, but for a play chip site where the chips are a secondary incentive, I believe that the 10% rake for tournaments is fair. Maybe this could be tweaked, but the change would be relatively minor. Ring games on the other hand, where the vast majority of chips are on the table, have almost no rake at all.
Max rake of 100 at low stakes amounts to maybe 2.5% of the average pot at the highest level. At medium stakes, the 250 max is 0.7% of the average pot at 500/1k, and at high and elite stakes the 500 and 1k represent microscopic fractions of the average pot. Millions of chips change hands while the site removes just a few thousand, creating huge gaps between winning players and everybody else. By adding a rake of 10% or even 5% with a cap, the site would greatly reduce this problem. Winning players would still win, but their win-rate would be decreased and the removal of these chips would reduce inflation. This would increase the incentive to buy chips and give players long term enjoyment because winning chips would actually mean something rather than treading water in an ever deepening pool.
For reference, assuming 10 buy-ins of 100 big blinds are needed to play at a certain stake level (which is actually extremely aggressive from a bankroll management perspective):
The player with the 3,000th most chips (3m) should still be playing medium stakes (1k/2k)
Players in the top 1,000 in chips (11m) would be in the lower end of high stakes (5k/10k)
Only players within the top 200 in chips (100m) should play at elite stakes
And this is in a population of 1m players, at least 20,000 of whom must active users, and with more “realistic” bankroll management these numbers would become twice as extreme.
The difference between being 100th in chips and 50th is about 300m, which is 100x what the 3,000th ranked player has. And the number 2 player has 20x what the 50th player has. This gulf in chips is astronomical and has an impact from the bottom to the top of the player pool. This post is not concerned with rank (which has no objective meaning), but rather with the value of chips as means to play at certain stake levels and create an incentive to play and win.