@1Warlock , lets open the topic then, I just have 1 question for you 1st.
Why with 27m, are you playing 48ppl SnG for a 500 buyin ?
This topic peaked my interest Warlock, since on a unrelated site ( not poker ) they had that very problem and address’d it horribly… Part of what you are saying, is the more promotions and leaderboards there are, the more “free bankroll there is , in general” , and that that forces higher buyins, and ultimately you get “super-buyins” that just seem rediculious. Hopefully I am hearing you correctly.
This occurs mainly due to the fact there are no “house games”… when you lose your chips, its never to the “house”. So, the house doesn’t have a built in system to “re-claim” chips over time. But yes Warlock, all the add’d bonuses and leaderboards pump chips into the system, so does the daily bonus ( 900,000 aprox if you log in every day for 1 year ).
I seriously think that doing away with the all the bonuses, leaderboards, and promotions… to stop that flow… will kill the site. So then we have to look @ ways to counteract it somehow by pulling chips outta the system.
One of the easiest ways for this is to allow players to buy “junk” with thier bankroll… stupid crap like a necklace for thier avatar, or buy’n the table a round of drinks… Then that progress’s to “crap” only bought with real cash, and some ppl will get left out cause they won’t pay into Replay no matter what.
Another way is, increase the “Rake” or the “+” to a MTT/SnG buyin ( like 10k+1k )… I have sat @ a ring table, 5k/10k blinds and the rake was only 500 for the house… WTF is up with that… seems it was that way whether or not 2 ppl called the blinds or 5 ppl called.
Since it seems the bulk of Replay’s clients are in the “Low” catagory, I don’t think replay cares if there is inflation, and prolly due to the economics … they prolly want the inflation. If you sell 100k chips for $2, the price can stay steady or decrease over time, when infact purchases cost you more ( buying power of that $2 ) over time, not less.
Its pretty hard for a player like me now, to lose alot of my bank, when almost all I play is MTT AND the times I play, usually there are very few high buyin MTTs… so I’m stuck playing 15k or less… So I don’t have the opportunity to lose my Bankroll easily, thus I never need to buy chips and prolly never will drop below 1m in the future.