I didn’t look for the answer on net, i searched the right question. And this helps now all.
I wasn’t questioning him for that it was for finding answers on the net to puzzle. I guess you must challenge the question now before you answer every time. I will still answer, win or lose with the face value of the question as I believe in Maria Shriver and never find any fault.
lol–I don’t mean to quibble at all. I know Poki well enough to know that he probably went to the Internet in search of an answer to why there would suddenly be a puzzle for which there is more than one right answer. He loves figuring things out on his own. Never doubt that the most honest way of playing this game is your way, but if you bump into an anomaly, feel free to dig in!
Mario and Frozen?
It was the needed info for solving. Or a way to say the question cannot be ok.
After having this info is the solving very easy. I think Maria tried to make it harder, deleted this part.
In my life looked the peoples on math to my results, and not I to others. And I believe not all what I find on net.
Marias questions/answers are many times not ok.
Well, you are the authority I guess on cognitive memory.
I postet this nice logical, but no answer came. Here the solution:
The German owns the fish
Something new on Facebook? Posted Maria the right answer?
Did anyone guess the right number?
So, not Facebook, but Instagram (same Meta-verse, different content) shows Maria applauding this answer:
However, I am not convinced that all of us will be content with that as the one correct answer. You can tell me what you think!
The correct answer is 31
12 does not work in the first line. because only 12 plus 12 plus 12 would equal 36, which is why I went with 14. I really have no idea who this Mario guy and the others are, but I do know that your answer she said was right makes no sense…unless the two different people are the same?
They are not the same people.
Stay tuned.
I’m pursuing this!
Do I need to call Maria and ask what’s going on ?
Bribe her with dessert.
see following matrix
Figur Wert
Mario 16 14 10 8 6 4
Prinzessin 4 8 16 20 24 28
Pilz 8 7 5 4 3 2
Drache 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ergebnis 28 29 31 32 33 34
Given that diffenrent figures have different value, we have 6 possible results.
matrix dosnt work.