How about some puzzles and games for added fun? If nothing else, you will walk away with brilliant riddles for your favorite children. Let’s start–and check back tomorrow for “correct” answers (although all good answers will also be considered correct).
What two things can you never eat for breakfast?
What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs?
You’re standing 10 feet away from a door.
( yes its open and you are walking twords the door )
On step 1 you move 4’, step 2 you move 2’, step 3 you move 1’
How many more steps will it take to get thru the door ?
kinda like drawing a circle with a dot in the center without lifting the pen off the paper, it involved folding over the paper.
So, draw 2 lines parallel ,the full length of the paper. Then fold paper in 1/2 lengthwise, and draw the 3rd line on the end of the paper and the ink will be on both edges, then unfold the paper. As long as the width of your lines exceed the width of 2 sheets of paper, your home free.