Practicing Patience

Wise decisions Antonis! Good luck and have a wonderful weekend! :four_leaf_clover: :slightly_smiling_face:

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Patience is indeed super important when playing poker!
I can think of a couple other spots where patience is far more important.

Dealing with family. One must have incredible patience or probably wonā€™t be a part of the family for long.

Hereā€™s the one that really irks me, driving on our roadways.
Driving is a privilege, NOT a God given right, so be courteous and donā€™t drive like a suicidal idiot. Get off your duff and leave 5 minutes earlier to get to work.
DONā€™T be one second off my rear or less with your stupid mongo truckā€¦3 seconds is the rule, two at the very least.
Getting to your destination a few minutes sooner isnā€™t worth risking death.
You donā€™t own the road.
Have patience with everything in life, and enjoy


Indeed, TheKnutts! Patience on the roads and streets is key, because not only do you take risks but you put other people at risk as well! And as you said, going out a little earlier and respecting distances are simple acts that can save lives, including your own! Thank you for the feedback, good luck and best wishes to you and your family! :slightly_smiling_face: :four_leaf_clover:


I read, translated, and reflected on all these words! Wise words, with poetry, science and spirituality together in every sentence, enriching this topic! Thank you for your collaboration Excaliburns and to everyone who stopped by! A week of peace, love and wisdom for everyone and their families!** :four_leaf_clover: :slightly_smiling_face:

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General in life Iā€™ve tried to apply delayed gratification to get more things done instead of going for the shortcuts in life. Sometimes I succeed and sometimes I donā€™t.


Good luck with your choices, then Naforole!
May your gratifications be for the betterment of your life
and that of those around you! :slightly_smiling_face: :four_leaf_clover:

A good friend taught me itā€™s always better to go home to a girl named Patience rather than stay at the casino with a girl named Greed

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True! Patience rather than greedā€¦always! Big gains will come from a lot of patience. And not only material gains, of course, but mainly in the evolutionary life of beings! Thank you for your reply, 14ME! Good luck! :slightly_smiling_face: :four_leaf_clover:

Iā€™m a live-in caregiver for a disabled senior who gets frustrated and directs anger and blame towards me. Itā€™s a talent to be able to calm people down and model good decision making. Accept people with compassion for who they are and truly give respect to them. Sincerely compliment them for small achievements and inspire them to grow.

Today I played a large freeroll and got clobbered the first few levels (last place) but was able to patiently look for good spots to double up and finish in the money.

Thanks to everyone for contributing to this topic.


Congratulations on your patience and ability to turn the game around, **
this is what we always need in Poker and in Life! **
Good luck and thank you very much PaperBoy73!
:four_leaf_clover: :slightly_smiling_face:**

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My patience is wearing thin lately, keep getting rivered by two outersā€¦everyone knows how it goes. down about 20 mil in the last coupla months, perhaps Saturday Fever will go well, I won it awhile ago for over 29 mil :slight_smile:

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Glad to know you my friend & thank you for your service to helping those in need. Also a great example you gave of the need to practice patience, in life & on the tables!!! :+1:


Everyone has bad and good days, in poker, in life! Patience seems to be something very difficult in the wild battle of tournaments and cash games in this game where sometimes luck seems to have abandoned usā€¦ but there is always another chance, another tournament, another possibility of winningā€¦ Winning money, but above all winning experience, this second one we can always win! Good luck in games and in Life, TheKnutts! :slightly_smiling_face: :four_leaf_clover:


Letā€™s think about ā€œthe nowā€ and reap good results from each experience!
Good luck, health and peace, Literin! :four_leaf_clover: :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for the reply DPoker33.
Yeah, patience is so important with everything in life.
Iā€™ve just been on one of those long term bad streaks , down about 21 mil in the last coupla months.
Seems I rarely win with premium hands, get rivered a lot, rarely get a good flop except it seems I get good flops a lot with moderate hands, even poor ones, when Iā€™ve already folded.
Just one of those things, usually have a lot of confidence, but itā€™s been destroyed lately.
So, Iā€™m thinking itā€™s time to take a long break until I can regain my confidence.
Have a nice day :slight_smile:


Well said!


I agree that patience is super important in poker (and in life). One of my friends told me to always adhere to the Pā€™s of poker: Patience and position. Most of the time, I am very patient, but I notice that when I am card dead for a long time, I get impatient. You mention timing, as well. I really think that poker is all about timing and picking your best spots. When I become impatient, I try to force the action instead of going with the flow. Recently, when playing live, I have felt my patience waning and the little voice in my head tried to urge me to play a bad hand out of position. I resisted the urge and waited for a better spotā€¦it helped me get to a point where ended up doubling up when I hit a set vs top pair. Trying to recognize when I am getting impatient and resisting it is still a work in progress for me. I am trying to use breathing exercises and meditation to help me stay relaxed and in the flow instead of getting frustrated and giving in to impatience.


I like to remind myself that every time I fold correctly, I am literally making money : )

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Itā€™s taking me a while to respond because the state I live in, Rio Grande do Sul, was hit by the biggest flood in its history, leading to countless human, animal and property losses! An unprecedented catastrophe! It seems that the theme ā€œPatienceā€ meets what I, my family and many people are going through right now. Our lives will never be the same, and although we are now safe and have food, we had to leave our homes as we were without electricity and drinking water. Fortunately we didnā€™t lose our home, but many lost everything they had, a sad situation!
So, patience in a game of poker is the least of it, thousands of people affected will have to have in addition to patience, strength, faith and resilience to start overā€¦ Even though Iā€™m in another state, Iā€™m vibrating so that all suffering can be resolved. minimized and governments have the wisdom and technology to recover some of these immeasurable losses!
Thousands of people affected will have to have patience, strength, faith and resilience to start overā€¦ My family and I spent everything we had and left in a hurry to another state, we are praying that all suffering is minimized. People are showing solidarity across Brazil and in some countries, which brings hope of better days for all of us! We will do our part and help however we can, I count on your prayers!


I had followed the terrible events on the news. I hope things improve quickly for you and my thoughts are with you, good luck with putting things back together for you and your family.

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