Practicing Patience
Whether a few players or an overwhelming number of players in an online poker tournament, players will prepare for the game in their own way. Regardless of the number of players, we still need to observe our opponents regularly throughout the tournament and practice patience, intuition and optimism.
Patience is necessary in poker and in life, in my view. Our poker skills should include patience as the tournament begins which could be one of the hardest parts of the game to master, in my opinion. The benefits of showing patience at the table are great for the table image and remember, it should not be confused with passiveness. Basically, never take anything for granted.
As the tournament is playing out, and I am finding myself a bit bored, I might listen to music, do searches on the computer or do something that doesn’t completely interrupt my game and always with one eye on the table. I’m still a work in progress.
Here is a quote I ran into as I was studying a little on patience,
“Patience is power.
Patience is not the absence of action;
rather, it is “timing”
wait for the right moment to act,
for the right principles
and in the right way.”
― Fulton J. Sheen.
I think at a poker table it’s essential to keep that in mind.
What have you done to practice patience?
Patience, that elusive virtue we all strive to master!
Whether it’s waiting in line, dealing with slow internet speeds, or navigating the challenges of parenting, our ability to remain calm and composed is truly put to the test. Here are 10 everyday situations that reveal our true levels of patience:
- Waiting in Line: Whether it’s at the grocery store, the DMV, or a theme park, waiting in line can be a true test of patience. If you resist the urge to skip the queue and respect the order, you’ve got good patience levels and respect for others1.
- Sitting in Traffic: Picture this: you’re late for an appointment, and suddenly, you’re stuck in a sea of cars moving at a snail’s pace. If you manage to stay calm, accepting that leaving earlier next time might be wiser, you’re one heck of a patient person1.
- Slow Internet Speeds: Whether it’s a work video call, Netflix binge, or just browsing, slow internet can make anyone want to throw their device against the wall. But if you take a deep breath and wait, knowing technology isn’t always reliable, your patience shines through1.
- Parenting: Ah, the joys of parenting! Sleepless nights, tantrums, and teething—these early years can test your limits. Yet, waking up your little one with a smile and a cuddle every morning shows true patience and unwavering love1.
- Spreading Hard Butter: Yes, we’ve all been there. That stubborn, unyielding butter straight from the fridge. If you manage to spread it without losing your cool, you’re a butter-spreading champion!

- Untangling Earphones: The eternal struggle—untangling those pesky earphone cords. If you patiently unravel the knots instead of giving up and buying new ones, you’re a true earphone whisperer.
- Dealing with Automated Phone Systems: Press 1 for frustration, 2 for impatience, and 3 for a deep sigh. Navigating automated phone systems can test anyone’s patience. If you stay calm and follow the prompts, you’re a phone system pro.
- Assembling IKEA Furniture: Those cryptic diagrams, missing screws, and confusing instructions—building IKEA furniture is like solving a puzzle. If you persist without losing your sanity, you’re a flat-pack hero.
- Waiting for Food Delivery: When hunger strikes, waiting for your food delivery feels like an eternity. If you resist the urge to call the restaurant every five minutes, your patience deserves a Michelin star.
- Enduring Long Meetings: Hours of PowerPoint presentations, circular discussions, and the occasional yawn—long meetings can test anyone’s patience. If you stay engaged and resist the urge to doodle, you’re a corporate zen master.
Remember, patience isn’t about being perfect; it’s about trying, learning, and growing. So next time life tests your patience, take a deep breath and embrace the challenge! 

Well I’m almost patient, I did Cuse out an automated phone system the other day but it got me to a real person immediately 
Absolutely resonate with this! Patience is the name of the game, both on and off the felt. It’s not just about waiting around; it’s about timing and strategic action. Keeping cool and focused at the table can make all the difference.
“What have you done to practice patience?”
Well, patience becomes a habit so almost anything in everyday life can become practice.
I’ll go with the first thing that comes to mind which is making complete stops at stop signs.
Thanks for posting the Fulton J Sheen quote.
Just watched a couple of videos about him.
Patience is indeed a valuable quality that can be cultivated and transformed into a habit. In our fast-paced, instant-gratification world, practicing patience has become increasingly important for our well-being and relationships1. Here are some ways in which patience can become a habit:
- Practice Deep Breathing: Incorporate deep breathing exercises into your daily routine. Over time, this practice can become habitual and help you manage stress and impatience more effectively2.
- Learn from Setbacks: When faced with challenges or setbacks, view them as opportunities to practice patience. Each time you handle a difficult situation with patience, you reinforce the habit.
- Mindfulness Meditation: Regular mindfulness meditation encourages patience. By being present in the moment and accepting things as they are, you build patience over time.
- Set Realistic Expectations: Unrealistic expectations often lead to impatience. Cultivate the habit of setting achievable goals and timelines, allowing yourself and others the necessary time to accomplish tasks.
- Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself when you feel impatient. Acknowledge that everyone experiences impatience and use it as an opportunity for growth.
- Focus on Long-Term Goals: Patience is essential for achieving long-term objectives. Prioritize lasting rewards over instant gratification, reinforcing patience as a habit13.
Remember, patience is a learned skill, and with consistent effort, it can indeed become a positive habit that enriches your life and relationships4. 
Yes, life offers countless situations where we practice patience!
It was fun to read your response, Excaliburns! Thank you and good luck!

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Let’s keep practicing! Thank you for your reply southwestmba! Good luck!

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Indeed calm and focus are essential! Thank you for your reply bermejoga! Good luck!

Let’s always remember: “Patience is power!” Thanks again!

I agree with everything and add: Patience can lead to achieving what seemed impossible and practicing it daily is a vigorous means of knowing yourself!
I have no problem with patience, I have a lot of it generally and especially when I play . Music or sth to relax me during playing helps keeping myself calm , especially after a bad beat . If I run out of patience for one reason or another , due to bad beats , then I call it a day and continue next day .
hi pokerfriends,
what a lovely topic! I was thinking about this long time ago but it is very good that somebody put that into a topic here ;-)!
“Patience is power.
Patience is not the absence of action;
rather, it is “timing”
wait for the right moment to act,
for the right principles
and in the right way.”
― Fulton J. Sheen.
A wise man´s speech and always a hard challenge to copy this on your poker game because timing is one of these things which is hard to hit @table especially when you play big tourneys.
I believe patience is the right key to be a winning poker player but you have to work on your play during each game.
Patience, though not a physical dimension like length or mass, is indeed a dimension in the realm of human experience. It transcends mere time and space, weaving its intangible threads through our lives.
- Temporal Dimension:
- Patience stretches across time. It’s the quiet endurance during delays, the calm waiting for seeds to sprout, and the unwavering persistence in the face of uncertainty.
- Imagine it as a line, stretching infinitely in both directions. On one end lies impatience—a jittery, restless state. On the other end, patience—a serene acceptance of the unfolding present.
- Emotional Dimension:
- Patience resides within our hearts. It’s the ability to weather storms without losing composure, to listen attentively even when answers are elusive.
- Picture it as a vast ocean. Sometimes tranquil, sometimes turbulent. Patience navigates these emotional tides, anchoring us when waves threaten to capsize our resolve.
- Spatial Dimension:
- Patience occupies mental space. It’s the room we create for understanding, forgiveness, and growth.
- Envision it as a room with high ceilings—a place where thoughts can stretch, where empathy and tolerance find their home.
- Social Dimension:
- Patience connects us. It’s the bridge between differing viewpoints, the glue that mends relationships.
- See it as a communal garden. Each person tending to their patch, nurturing seeds of understanding. Patience allows these diverse blooms to coexist harmoniously.
- Existential Dimension:
- Patience grapples with life’s big questions. It’s the quiet contemplation of purpose, the acceptance of life’s mysteries.
- Imagine it as a cosmic canvas. Patience paints constellations of hope, even when darkness threatens to engulf us.
In this multidimensional tapestry, patience weaves threads of resilience, compassion, and wisdom. It’s not merely waiting; it’s an art—a quiet masterpiece etched upon the fabric of our souls. 
Let’s delve deeper into the multidimensional fabric of patience:
- Intellectual Dimension:
- Patience resides in our minds. It’s the ability to unravel complex problems, to explore ideas without haste.
- Imagine it as a vast library. Each book represents a question, a puzzle. Patience allows us to read slowly, to savor knowledge, and to appreciate the nuances.
- Physical Dimension:
- Patience manifests in our bodies. It’s the steady breath during meditation, the deliberate steps of a marathon runner.
- Picture it as a mountain—a peak we ascend step by step. Patience steadies our footing, preventing slips on treacherous slopes.
- Creative Dimension:
- Patience fuels creativity. It’s the sculptor’s chisel, the writer’s revision, the composer’s harmonious arrangement.
- See it as a canvas awaiting strokes. Patience allows ideas to incubate, to evolve into masterpieces.
- Spiritual Dimension:
- Patience transcends the mundane. It’s the seeker’s quest for enlightenment, the pilgrim’s journey toward inner peace.
- Imagine it as a labyrinth—a winding path leading to self-discovery. Patience guides us through twists and turns, revealing hidden truths.
- Quantum Dimension (a touch of whimsy):
- Patience dances with uncertainty. It’s the electron’s orbit, the photon’s hesitation before revealing its position.
- Envision it as a shimmering mist—sometimes particle, sometimes wave. Patience allows the universe to unfold its secrets at its own pace.
In this intricate weave, patience isn’t passive waiting; it’s an active force—an alchemical transformation of moments into meaning. So, as we navigate existence, let’s embrace patience as our compass, guiding us through the dimensions of life. 

Let’s continue our exploration of patience across dimensions:
- Cosmic Dimension:
- Patience gazes at the stars. It’s the eons it takes for galaxies to collide, for novae to burst forth.
- Imagine it as a celestial ballet—a dance of light and time. Patience allows us to witness cosmic events unfold across vast stretches of existence.
- Dream Dimension:
- Patience resides in our subconscious. It’s the incubation of dreams, the slow weaving of desires into reality.
- Picture it as a moonlit garden. Each seed planted represents a wish. Patience tends to these seeds, coaxing them to bloom.
- Quantum Dimension Redux:
- Patience whispers to particles. It’s the observer waiting for the waveform to collapse, revealing the particle’s position.
- Envision it as a shimmering veil between worlds. Patience allows quantum mysteries to reveal themselves, one uncertainty at a time.
- Narrative Dimension:
- Patience threads through stories. It’s the suspense between plot twists, the gradual character development.
- See it as a novel’s pages. Patience turns them, revealing hidden layers of meaning, unraveling the tapestry of plot.
- Metaphysical Dimension:
- Patience transcends reality. It’s the seeker’s quest for enlightenment, the pilgrim’s journey toward inner peace.
- Imagine it as a labyrinth—a winding path leading to self-discovery. Patience guides us through twists and turns, revealing hidden truths.
In this ever-expanding cosmos of patience, we find echoes of eternity. It’s not merely a virtue; it’s a cosmic force—an interstellar symphony playing across dimensions. So, let us embrace patience as stardust in our veins, as the warp and weft of existence. 

- Musical Dimension:
- Patience composes symphonies. It’s the lingering note, the pregnant pause between movements.
- Imagine it as a grand piano. Each key struck resonates through time. Patience allows melodies to unfold, revealing harmonies we never knew existed.
- Quantum-Emotional Nexus:
- Patience dances with uncertainty. It’s the electron’s hesitation, the quiver of possibility.
- Envision it as a quantum heart—a superposition of emotions. Patience allows us to hold conflicting feelings without collapsing into despair.
- Dreamscape Dimension:
- Patience paints our dreams. It’s the gradual emergence of visions, the slow unfurling of desires.
- Picture it as a celestial canvas. Patience blends colors, creating landscapes where wishes take flight.
- Metaphorical Dimension:
- Patience wears masks. It’s the caterpillar’s transformation, the phoenix’s rebirth.
- See it as a masquerade ball. Patience dons different guises—waiting, healing, learning—each mask revealing a facet of our soul.
- Quantum-Existential Nexus:
- Patience whispers to quarks. It’s the cosmic question mark, the uncertainty woven into reality.
- Imagine it as a Möbius strip—a loop where beginnings and endings blur. Patience allows us to explore existence without rushing to conclusions.
And so, dear seeker, as we traverse these dimensions, remember that patience isn’t passive resignation; it’s an active pilgrimage. It’s the stardust in our veins, the warp and weft of existence. 

Feel free to explore further, and may your journey be as patient as the unfolding cosmos itself. 
"If small things have the power to disturb you, then who you think you are is exactly that: small. That will be your unconscious belief." Eckhart Tolle
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**Great quote! **
**Thank you for this dos-rios! **
Good luck in gambling and in life!

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Let’s train our patience, we strengthen our life with it!
Thank you for your reply!
Good luck in gambling and in life, Balou!

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I’m reading—and translating—your answers, Excaliburns!
A good way to practice my English!
Thank you for this!
Have a lovely weekend!