Possible bug with time remaining for late entry

Dear Staff,

in the last 2 days I have noticed that the lobby page and even the tourn lobby page might say that I have 2-3 minutes to still register, yet when I try… it says registration closed.

When the tourn Lobby shows a tourn running for 8min, and theres 10 min for late registration then players should be able to enter for the full 10 minutes of late registration. Please investigate this.


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Hello Sarah,
My suggestion to you is to enter the tournament on time. With you and others waiting for the last minute to enter, leaves a disadvantage to the players that have played from the start, and are under the same staring chip amount. With entering late, you are placed in the tournament at least half of the total amount of players. Since late registration is allowed, to get more players, so the site can produce more income, is not cheating. BUT it is, truly unfair. So if you cannot play and place yourself at least the half way make, by entering on time, don’t bother.

I don’t make the rules, just play by them. If it says 10 minutes it should be 10 min.

It seems to me your pages are not updated in real time.
Not noticed it myself the past days, it can be on your side.

Best you can do is read this page and do some test, on the page you find a link for contacting support directly, they can give more personal help when you send some comp spec with the email.

Your message is very misinformed. Registering late for a tournament gives the player a disadvantage. While there are less people left in it, the remaining people now have (on average) a higher amount of chips so you have to gain chips to be in the competition. Also, the blind levels are much higher so you will have less ability to exert your edge (if you have one) over the rest of the field, because when you have a shorter stack you have less flexibility in how you play. To be honest, joining the tournament just 10 mins later has very little effect and Replay has very short late registration periods due to the smaller amounts of players playing each tourney, whereas some sites (can I mention names? I don’t know) have late reg periods up to three or four hours for longer MTTs, be but joining this late would be a serious disadvantage because you only have about 5-10BB at that stage.

As for Sarah, I think Happiness is right. Once I played on a different computer and the timings where all wrong for the tourney and I couldn’t register when I thought I could. I realised that the computer was about 5 mins off the actual time, which caused the problem. If you want to know the ‘real’ time and whether you computer is out of sync, you can just check online and compare it to your computer clock. I’m pretty sure Replay has the timings correct.

Off topic
[quote=“flyinghigh111, post:5, topic:4451”]
(can I mention names? I don’t know)

Well, all other community forums they not allow any form, sometime you can ask a mod ( then you have to mention on the thread you did ask a mod )
But generaly, would be rude to do.

Back on topic, Your comment is spot on. Everything have up and down side.

Thanks Happiness, I will investigate… My intention was only to let RP know there might be a problem…

As to Flyinghigh, I totally agree… registering late is a disadvantage more than an advantage.

Hello Again,
I certainly do not want to drag a deep horse, about this topic, but perhaps, if I give you an example, you might see my point. I was in a tournament this very morning, with 29 people at the start. I was noticing as I always do that the late players are slated in the placing of the 2500 chips that is the enterance amoun f the tournament. Now they are slated about 10 to 14 place. I think that is quite an advantage, by the 15 minute late registration there are 86 players.The ones coming in late are still above the 50% of the total players playing, with their 2500 chips. They are slated in between 35 and 40. If that is not an advantage, I really do not know what else you would call it !!!

I think it is personal if you think it is an advantage or disadvantage joining by late registration.

For myself i see it as a disadvantage registering by late registration, if possible i start from the first hand.
When i register by late registration the blinds are higher and possible players with a high stack on tables. There are a couple of good stack players, rather play them from the beginning then when they have a high stack:)

I totally not mind the late registration, more players and more and higher prices to win. I play with 5 or 8 other players on the table, not important how many other tables there are in the beginning, and the late registation is not that long.

Also a tournament you not win in the first half hour, you win the tournament (if you win) on the final table, mostly the blinds are high and your stack can be go up very fast but also down very fast.

But as i said, it is just what you prefer and of course sometimes players are just late of want to finish first another tournament.

I do understand what you are saying, but the reason that they are in the top 50% is because a lot of players will not have played any major hands and will have just lost a few blinds. However, a few players will now have commanding stacks and you will always be below the average chip stack if you late reg (plus the other reasons I stated).

Here is a real forum thing confirming what I have said.

Anyway while it is a disadvantage, in Replay where the amount of late reg time is very small there is only a small ev difference between late regging and not late regging.

I wish they would fix the button…it crawls all over the place. Poker tournaments have rules about the location of the button including when there is a “dead” small blind.

Sarah is 100% correct on this. A few days ago I tried to enter the 7:15am (Eastern) Omaha game about 1 minute after regular registration had ended. There were 3 players. There was no late registration box on my menu and the tourney played with only 3 players. Nobody else entered late and that’s just not possible with that tourney. There was definitely a problem and it wasn’t on my end. Just my 2 cents worth.

A couple of days ago there was a technical problem with updating for a while, the pop up tournament lobby was not updating when you kept it open and the lobby pages were not updating (when you had open the page you not saw the new registered players in a tournament).
Later on the day the tech-team fixed the problem.


Thanks I did see improvement or a sync of the times… no problem lately.

why do some players go all in on the first two cards they get?

look to me they want to drive every one out of the game.