POLL: Celebrity poker players

:sparkles: Flash contest! :sparkles:

Let’s have a little fun and see who comes out on top! Celebrities from screens both big and small have also become famous as savvy poker players. We’re interested in learning your favorite and least favorite celebrity poker players from those listed in these two polls.

Which of the following celebrity poker players do you like the most?
  • Ben Affleck
  • Jennifer Tilly
  • Ray Romano
  • Jason Alexander
  • James Woods
  • Kevin Hart
  • Matt Damon

0 voters

Which of the following celebrity poker players do you like the least?
  • Ben Affleck
  • Jennifer Tilly
  • Ray Romano
  • Jason Alexander
  • James Woods
  • Kevin Hart
  • Matt Damon

0 voters

As a thanks for your participation, we’ll be awarding five random respondents with 100,000 chips each on Friday, May 6th!


James Woods is my favorite and my neighbor :+1:t2:


curti a enquete. Valeu! = )

I like James Woods for his personality and character. With that stated I would expect he is likely a natural savvy poker player. I do not relish choosing any celebrity I dislike as a poker player because it truly goes against my grain. To me that selection is just plain wrong on its face. What is your least favorite card in a deck of cards? It’s a ridiculous question. Here’s a good question for a poker forum. What card is designated as “Lady Luck?”

It is, believe it or not the 9 of hearts.



who cares there all loaded

ho vinto 100.000 gettoni evvai

I love Jennifer Tilly :heart_eyes:

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Kevin is funny so bad

Jimmy is a good guy and a good friend. Hell of a poker player also :+1:t2:

Sorry, but the greatest and smartest celebrity poker player is not on the list! She is Victoria Coren Mitchell, writer, presenter of the intellectual quiz Only Connect, (do watch it!) and In 2014, her win at the European Poker Tour San Remo saw her earn £406,900 (€476,100). As of 2021 her total live tournament winnings exceed **£1.8million ($2.5million)**making her the 14th best-earning female live poker player ever.
Oh yes, she is British :star_struck:


There are so many great ones but i like Ben Affleck’s style.

Matt Damon, did movie about gambling…

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James Wood is a great actor as well as a great, card player


Like Moneymaker…dislike Hellmuth

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While it says little about his own play or style, one of my favorite celebrity poker moments was at a Ray Romano table in the WSOP, with him not involved in the hand.

[Flop AH 9C QD, Turn TD, River AD

All-In AS AC with a massive splash 4 of a Kind
Call KD JD Royal Flush

(- YouTube)

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Most interesting