We have a big promotion coming soon that we’re very excited about. More will be revealed soon, but in honor of the theme, this month’s contest is all about your poker dream team!
If you could choose any two people to be on your poker dream team, who would you pick and why? It could be anyone – a poker pro, someone you respect here on the site, a celebrity or fictional character … it’s all up for interpretation.
Each of you would play in different tournaments and earn points for your team, so you can’t make moves together at the same table. Whatcha think? Who’s on your dream team?
On Friday, May 31st, I’ll be choosing five random participants to win 100,000 chips. Share your choices for a chance to snag a prize!
Victoria Coren-Mitchell, for her brilliant poker play and incredible sense of dry humour, and 007 (James Bond) because his skill at getting out of tight situations and crafty card play would mesmerise everyone.
yoda and Luke Skywalker… we would use to force so we know what everyone’s pocket cards are and also use it know what cards are going to be on the board. nobody be able to beat us
I’d take Mike Caro and Mike Sexton. We could call ourselves “The Weirdest (Caro & me) and Best Dressed (Sexton)…” With TWO world class players to make up for my weakness, I could just coast and we’d do okay.
I would have Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos. We might not win the Poker, but with those guys on my team we would not even need to play poker.
For my reserve team I would have Marilyn Monroe and Helen of Troy as they would serve to distract opponents from any off the bottom of the deck cards that might be dealt, and the team huddles would be fun.
Since James Bond is already selected, I would have his creator Ian Fleming, because he seemed to know a lot about cheating at cards.
Another good team would be Louis “Lepke” Buchalter and Albert “The Mad Hatter” Anastasia. These are the founder and boss of Murder Inc., and 2 of the most ruthless and feared mob bosses of all time. If one of them enters a pot, you fold, capisce?
I would choose my mother and father who both passed away many years ago, just for a chance to see them again. My father used to play poker when he was younger but my mother wouldn’t have a clue what it was all about. Chances are we probably wouldn’t win, but I would be happy just for the chance to spend time with them again.
Well, I’ve already asked all the pros I know and they’re all busy so my 1st pick was CatchDRiver (he accepted) and we’re trying to decide together on the 3rd teammate
Well, since I have a better chance of winning 100K chips here than I have of winning a dime of real money, I’ll go with my brother Pete and nephew Rick.
Why? I don’t know any of those other people and it’s always a party when we get together. Oh, and they’re both lucky at cards.
Well our dream team is now formed (CatchDRiver, JuiceeLoot and me) and we’re starting spring training next week…all we need now is a name (and to know what the rules are)