Some debates take a completely wrong direction, in my opinion.
To say “I don’t like Omaha (or hi-lo, or Royal), don’t play it!” or “Most players don’t wanna waste time analyzing all players” is not expressing our own opinion. It is simply a presumption of what others think or like, only because of our aversion.
How can one judge what “most players” want? The purpose of a debate is to give all people the possibility of expressing their personal opinion.
I, for once, don’t dislike at all the idea of a rating system, because I see many positive aspects in it, but I would never be so overconfident as to think and even less to declare most people like it, too.
I’m just an amateur player… I don’t play here for the rankings, or to be judged on my skills. I’m by no means an expert on poker in ANY form - I play here for the people, the fun of playing, for making friends. I don’t play tournaments, only Ring games - because it’s where I’m comfortable, and as I said - I’m not here to look like a professional player.
That said, I do sometimes use the ratings - but more as a way to prove / disprove a basic theory I have that a LOT of “bingo” players have low chip banks… It holds true about 80% of the time, LOL.
I think Maya’s plan is a good one, quite honestly. As stated, I believe that most here would rate their opponents fairly. Yes, some won’t - I’ve seen some really bad losers here (and even some bad winners) - but over time, with more ratings, it will average out. I would use it as intended, myself - only players I have played a lot of hands against and thought I could rate fairly would be rated by me. There are things I take a dim view of on the tables - bingo playing being one of them - but I’m willing to give people a chance to get it out of their system and judge them on their further play. For some, that’s the ONLY way the play - I would rate them accordingly.
The one thing I DON’T get, however, is how it would help the “amateur” player like myself, who sticks to ring games. After all - a point I haven’t seen made here - we don’t really get to choose who sits down at the table with us. Sure, your initial table choice (and players) is yours - and I do admit there are players I WON’T sit down with if possible, just because of my mental notes on them. However, once I’m on a table I cannot control who might sit down during the game. If someone I don’t want to play with shows up, I only have 2 choices - stay and hope they don’t play like the jacka** they have in the past, or leave. Leaving isn’t always an option unless you want to sit for awhile, if all the tables are full.
Sooooo… I’m somewhat ambiguous on this. I like the idea, and for those of you who obviously are way out of my league, maybe it helps. I can’t see it being a bad idea - I think it’s much better than the current system. On the other side of the coin (or chip, LOL) - I am just not sure how useful it would be for someone like myself.
Just my 2 cents…
I still dont know what ur idea would accomplish. lets say i get a 5 outta 5 rating, meaning 5 is the highest, what does that show u? There will be over 1000 more players that have the same 5 outta 5 like me. so lets say now we have 2,300 players with a 5 rating, which player out of those 2,300 players are more skilled? they are all equal in ratings so they all have the same skills, doesnt make sense or tell us anything. most players are playing to win and win chips and get their bank up. so rank and chip count matter for players that dont buy chips, its cancelled out and says nothing for chip buyers. and dont think other players care about having bragging rights going around showing off a 5 star rating with 5,000 chips in the bank and a 400.000 rank then losing most games because friends automatically gave them a 5 star or others gave them a 5 for being polite or nice on the table. im sure many get my point except for the one that posted this. good luck in ur quest to find the right system.
5 stars from 3 ppl is way different than 5 stars from 1000 ppl.
such suggestions are only possible on replay poker lol
Yeah, that sounds like something that would work.
(I’m upgrading your rating to 3 1/2 pistachios and a green sippy cup)
So, let me get this straight: You want to devise a system to quantify something no one here has been able to define, without any data (and largely without the ability to interpret the data if it existed)?
If and when the site switches to HTML5 and if/when they allow for hands to be exported, then people would be able to evaluate their play vs databases and get accurate results. I do this with online cash play so I can see where I am making mistakes vs the field. To me, it is worthwhile to see how I’m faring with AQo in 3-bet pots from X-position so I can work on it and measure my progress. The data gives me information I can actually use, therefore I value it. I have no idea what benefits an arbitrary ranking system would add to anyone’s game or to their enjoyment of this site though. What value are you adding with this proposal?
I agree that the current ranking metric here is poor. I just don’t see what creating an even less objective measurement would achieve. Rather than adding a new bad-system, I’d scrap the old one and just let people play. Leaderboards and all that could still be maintained but there is no reason to keep public tallies on everyone’s bankrolls and let this silly debate continue.
Please don’t bring reality into the conversation, thanks!
@1Warlock I’m sorry that you’re missing the point. And it’s not like you to miss the point usually.
The suggested is NOT a ranking system. It’s NOT meant to replace the current one or any future one. The suggested is an ADDITIONAL community based rating system. It’s not meant to quantify anything, nor does it require data. Bringing up the current ranking system was a mistake from my part and I apologize for the confusion it may have caused.
It’s all a simple “players rating players” system, that could be nice to have just to see how others rate you. It’s so simple, doesn’t take time, doesn’t take energy, doesn’t take away the pleasure and importance of any existing system, and shouldn’t have everyone so worried and so worked out.
@fizzymint suggested something similar and much more interesting, if anyone had the time to look at the link she posted. It’s community based and it’s quite fun and simple.
I’m sorry that some posters, 1 person in particular, cannot and do not want to see the simplicity of the suggestion, and the difference between it and the existing ones. Would it really be that bad if next to your chip count and ranking, and on top of all your positions on leader boards and everything else, there were a few little stars showing how your community rated you? So what if 500 players had 5 stars and 2000 players had 3 stars? It just shows on average how your community sees you. It will NOT rank your skill, it will NOT show exactly how many points each player has like any other existing system, it would JUST be PLAYERS RATING PLAYERS. I don’t know how clearer I can be about this.
Now let’s wait for florida to come and explain how things work in outer space
Maya, I feel truly sorry for you for all the energy and the time you are spending to explain something basically very simple. LOL
Actually, the only comments I expected to read were: nice idea or bad idea, but I underestimated the frequenters of these Forums.
Thanks Miri. Yes, it turned out to be much more complicated than I thought.
maya says, It will NOT rank ur skill. that was the whole purpose of it, to rank ur skill from othe players, u even said it many times from the beginning, so now it is to rank how popular ur are? and miri u just expected for people to say say nice idea or bad idea, so i say bad idea. and i afree with everyone 1Warlock said. im sorry maya started this thread for a popularity contest and to debate other people posting here, and thand for bringing up my name bashing my opinions again. if its so good of an idea then go start your little star system so you friends can rate how much they like u. u should spend more time playing poker on here so u can start rating people puting stars in your notes. players have better things to do than put a star next to you. Best luck with something that makes sense and will never work. I give u 1 star for the idea, give bulldog and 1 Warlock 5 stars. There , i just started the new system. All the best, cheers
I did raise the white flag and I cannot keep replying to your absurdity @floridajetski
This is the last time. I promise that whatever you say after that I won’t reply.
I NEVER said it was to RANK YOUR SKILL. NOT ONCE. I said it’s to show how skilled OTHERS THINK YOU ARE.
I NEVER said RANK. The exact word I used was RATE. If you still don’t know the difference between RANK and RATE, I’m sorry I can’t help you anymore.
It’s NOT a popularity contest AT ALL. That’s the number of your “friends” on your friends list. That shows your popularity. Other players rating you has nothing to do with your popularity.
I did NOT bash any of your opinions, I have been patiently replying to all your posts, even though they were all very far from the point of this thread. You’re the one who mentioned me when you said:
I’m so sorry that all your comments have been so negative about this idea. But you could have just said that you don’t like it and don’t think it would work, instead of totally diverting from it, and putting words in my mouth that I haven’t said.
This only proves that you still don’t understand what the idea is about. I’m not trying to find any right system for anything. It was just an additional, community based RATING (not ranking) system.
Thank you very much. And I give you 5 stars for attacking the idea from all unrelated angles
All the best. Cheers
I’m sorry if I missed the point. I still don’t think its a great idea but I guess I have no objections to it as a novelty. However, do you really want a site that does not seem to have the resources necessary to complete even the essential upgrades to tinker around with something like this? We have the switchover to HTML5 that seems perpetually delayed (given previous posts by the site going back years). After that, there were several issues relating to playability and improving user experiences. There were features to help the site more realistically mimic cash play (such as hand for hand dealing etc) and a ton of other things. Maybe they could even get around to replacing the Finance Minister of Zimbabwe and start to address the chip inflation that is threatening to undermine the entire enterprise before its too late?
Of all the things the site needs to do and supposedly wants to do, where would you place this in terms of priorities? You can tell that it wouldn’t get any attention from me until the rest of the work was done. I would hope that people like @fizzymint would agree that things like this shouldn’t even be brought up for discussion until the essentials were in the rearview mirror,
You’re absolutely right and I totally agree. It’s not a priority at all, and there are many essentials that need to be reviewed and done before something like that could be considered.
But there’s no harm in bringing it up for discussion in the forum, even if it’s not a priority. It’s always nice to debate such things and see what everyone thinks.
But you’re right, HTML5 and a long list of other things are definitely much more important. And I thank you for this reply. I’m always a fan of your posts
its to show how others think how skilled u are u said maya, and its not to rank u and u never said the word rank, umm maya rating stars to players of how u think how skilled they are is the same as giving someone a rank. and u say the friends list is for popularity? really i knew thats what this and u are all about, if thats the case maybe i should accept the 100 pending friend requests i have that werent accepted by me yet, i would be more popular then right? i think my play speaks for itself and and players know my skill level who play me, my leader board ranks month after month speak for themselves and dont need anyone rating me and dont need to get 1,000 friends on here that u will never meet, u need to spend more time on twitter and facebook and not a poker site. more people come on here to play poker and enjoy the game than using a poker site for social media, and as far as ur debates i rank u 1 star for ur debating skills. I am leaving this post now because all u wanna do is debate people here, u mentioned it many times, but u have nothing to back up ur debates or ur idea about ur star rating system, i had that system in 1st grade from my teachers. i see the same people replying here because no one else wants to waste their time on such an out of touch idea. i hope ur popularity grows so u can be more satisfied on here. would love to see u on the tables some time, come find me on high stakes and u can rate me after we play.u would probably give me 1 star for me winning the game and taking u out, see i told u ur idea would be flawed.
WTF @Maya! This is some weird Arlo Guthrie-esque stuff. 1st I’ll have to listen to Alice’s Restaurant to get this out of my head and then I’ll need to figure out how to get that infernal song out later.
It’s quite evil isn’t it?