New Rank System

Hopefully the Replay Dev team will take my suggestion and run with it.
I suggested ring games be ranked
(+/-) BB/100hands played
And support said she would present the ranking system through the Replay Team.
The only reason I don’t like it as is, because you can purchase a bunch of chips and rank up. But that doesn’t give anywhere near an accurate rating for overall performance. And because I play for sport I want to know who my real competitors are based off wins not some “rented rank”
I know one thing the ranking system has to change one way or another. And I think this system would eventually even slow the shove fests that can be set off with a hair trigger, knowing that your rank is based off wins/loses rather than the size of your bankroll

It’s a good idea, but it takes a certain number of hands to make it representative. Otherwise a person with luck, but few hands played will have a high ranking

Hi Ace, :smiley:

The “rank” here at Replay has been discussed in the forums ad nauseum. In my opinion it is poorly named. As far as I can tell it is not and never was intended to have anything to do with skill. It is merely a way for players to compare the amount of their bank to others bank(s). That’s it.

It is very difficult to find one metric to effectively rate skill. There are different games and formats. Some players are good at some and bad at others. Ring game vs tournament players. Etc.

All that being said, this is in no way intended to discourage you from making suggestions. I encourage you to continue and I applaud your effort. Perhaps one of your ideas will work! Player participation here at Replay is a big part of what makes this (imho) a great site. :grin:

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It’s over/under BB won/100hands. so they would possibly be in the middle of +X and -X so they might start high rank but the more hands they played and lost the rank would quickly adjust

Right, but at any point in time you’re going to have a lot of new players at the top of the leaderboard who’ve just managed to have a couple of big winning sessions.

You could obviously put some threshold on it, but your method still favors players who’ve played fewer hands. If people actually care about their rank, this encourages a higher variance style and should lead to more shove fests. The bigger problem is that it also favors people playing lower stakes - you’re not taking into account the skill of the opponents at all.

For all its flaws, using chips = rank does not suffer from these problems. You simply have to play a decent volume at decent stakes to be able to earn a large amount of chips. Sure, it’s a problem that not all chips are won, but the amount awarded to you or purchased starts to become pretty insignificant as your bankroll grows.

If you’re focusing at all on rank before that point, I don’t think you realize just how much variance there is in poker. Regardless of how you measure it, it’s going to be essentially meaningless.

If you want to know how well you’re playing, post hands and get some feedback, or be your own judge. There really isn’t a better way than that, because unfortunately results often don’t reflect the true level we are playing at.


I agree with you and discussed with support via email about possibly having two leaderboards one that is for ring games and tracks your lifetime +/- BB won/100 hands played. And then another leaderboard for tournament poker that ranks you based on lifetime tournament points earned.

Instead of characterizing any of this as “rank,” I think it would be great to just have public stats. They could then be concatenated in “leaderboards” which users could sort by whatever metric they were interested in.

As @lihiue points out, it’s hard/impossible to find any single metric that will actually translate to “skill.” Instead, we could simply say “who has the highest VPIP this month at 50/100 ring?” and get an answer, or “who has the highest ITM% for MTTs this year” and get an answer.

You could then make statements like “Dorkupine is Top 5 in VPIP and also Top 5 in ROI, he’s clearly one of the most aggressive and skilled crushers on the site”

Of course, first Replay would have to measure these stats in the first place :slight_smile:

why does this info need to be public? when playing at a casino no one knows your stats. This info should be offered with the caveat if you want to give out your info!


Your ok with your hands played being public but not your actual winnings?

If we were playing for cash then maybe I could understand but this is more like competition poker

I see the point, but who is honestly going to get on here play a couple hands win 5/5 and not play anymore. That doesn’t even happen now. Trust me, I’ll tell ya what. That fear of someone not playing many hands but getting lucky has too many holes. First Off, this game isn’t designed for any one specific individual or position to win every hand. They might win most the hands they play but that’s why the BB+/- is balanced by/ 100 hands played that’s the key is you have to play 100 hands. Meaning see a flop 100 times without folding. Not consecutive just 100 hands played. That can be done in about 2hrs30min. If your playing Game Theory Optimal. All I know is the Replay agent emailed back and forth this morning said this has been an ongoing issue that they have been meaning to fix. I unlike most am not just going to talk about it. I’m going to follow back up on Monday with the support agent I spoke with, if they go with my idea then I believe the DoNks will have a tough time shoving all in because for 1 that will show as exceptionally high winnings or exceptionally low example.

Hand count : 86
+274 BB won/100 hands played
(DoNk that’s gotten lucky)

Hand count: 478
-254 BB won/100 hands played

That would be about what the DoNks future earnings would look like if they played almost 500 hands the same way they played the first 86. Luck doesn’t take you far in Hold Em the only part of this game that is luck is what cards your dealt and the draws. Flop turn and river.

You gotta understand that DoNks (individual who over excessively overbet and/or shove 75% of hands played are not profitable in the long run. This is not a sprint like they think. But it’s a lifelong marathon so if someone loses half of what they make they really only win 1/4 of their bankroll and that’s not very much considering they started off winning a bunch of big pots shoving pre-flop and stacking 1 or 2 people at a time. Fortunately they normally lose 2x what they make. Which puts them deep in the hole. Cause what went from +242 BB/100 hands played quickly turns into -231 BB/100 hands played. And trust me DoNks don’t know how to hold onto a stack. In fact the more they have the more chips they are willing to put in the pot on a draw.

Have you ever seen a Donk leave a table without getting stacked. Maybe they hit and run but I can promise that at the end of the day they will be sitting in a worse spot than they started.
Because they run to another table, with player’s who don’t know that they have a horrible win rate and they bring the shove fest all over again. That’s when you gotta take a stand, especially if your like me and observe betting patterns. The bluff becomes very easy to see through on shove 5 or 6 / 10 hands.

Listen when I first started playing here it’s like I couldn’t get away from a game that was 24 shoves back to back all in. …but this ends my first week and I’ve already noticed a major decline in DoNks running amuck. I do what’s called DoNk patrol at least once a day for a couple hours a day and once they encounter me in a game that they keep bullying the pot. They deflate and shrink back for several hands. And everytime they try to strike back I put the hurting with a 3X on their overbet or I use the shove against them. 1 week and the whole site feels different than it did when I first got here

Knowledge is Power and that’s what I have over them is knowledge of the game and I stick to my starting hand strategies. Those two things give me an edge over my opponents. Plus I can calculate pot odds second nature now and snap call a bet knowing 4/1 or 5/1 or 8/1 for flush, gut shot straights, open end straights, and I know by memory what percentage I have to catch my draw with flush, full house, straight flush. Then I just have to range my opponents based on their betting patterns and sizing while reading the board. And what makes it so easy is most DoNks shove all in with 2 pair even if someone is betting 75%pot + post-flop (which usually indicates a set) trips.

So if you ever go heads up with a donk and you bet 75% pot post flop after hitting your set. If your opponent reraises with a shove before turn and no flush straight or pairs are on board then they only have best 2 pair and you can call them and win 95% of time

Unless they are like one I encountered yesterday who turned two pair after I flopped trips. I shoved on turn they called showdown I go in 92% chance of winning pot. River card pairs the board and gives us both a boat. He won with a trash hand 103o and I lost after flopping trips all because he made a bad call. But that’s why they call them bad beats

I was so shocked that he called my excessive over bet of over 2x pot size, right after the hand after exposing himself of raising and calling over bets when he was behind. And everyone except me kept folding to his raises.
Once they get exposed of being a big bluffer they always leave the table

They know the gig is up at that table. And donkeys will always play weak hands strongly and strong hands moderately. That’s why they bet so aggressively, to make up for confidence in their hand

And lack of knowledge of hand value

Why R u so against a couple real leaderboards. It’s not that big of a deal, except to the ones who have “rented rank”. And you don’t purchase fake chips to play here right? So don’t fret.