Player Profiles

Hi Replay !

When looking at a player’s profile -
Aside from Chips, Rank, Stake Level and RPP Level it might be nice and helpful to others players to also see the number of “Hands Played”.

Thanks !


Replay already gives out to much info about players in my opinion.Seeing my rank is fine but I feel I should have the option of who sees my friends list and how many chips I have.
Too many big brothers in this world


I think it is vital to have the information about how many chips each player has and how long it has taken them to accumulate those chips. It would also be useful to know how many MTTs they have played in, how many they have won, etc. I would also like this information on myself so that would know, and other people would see it.


Vital lol…chips can be bougfht and rank can also


How is this helpful?

Yeah ummm no. They have this for real money sites. It’s called shark-scope. Now I don’t play on-line real money sites as there are not any regulated in my area of the US but I imagine it’s bad for the game as it allows pros to spread out and avoid each other and bum hunt recs in the game. Replay already gives out too much info. Period, Dot, Bingo!



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You can never find out an accurate way of looking at someones bank and the time they opened their account to compare what their skill level is or how they accumulated them during that time unless you know a ton of info, meaning too much info you would need… How do you know what stakes they played and for how long at each stake? There are players here that have been here 10-15 years but might have only played low or medium tourneys once every week or 2 or didnt play for years and came back for a month or 2 but yet they dominated low or medium tourneys when they did play. How do you know how much any given player has bought and when? Players might have just joined this year but have 40 or 50 million chips they bought and might have lost all a few times then re loaded. You cant compare a great player only playing high tourneys to the great player only playing high or elite rings as far as chip accumulation by skill even though they started around the same time. One might play once a week or month, the other might play daily. There are players playing way above their bank and played at elite just to get busted out back to zero chips on a few bad beats and started over many times but might have 100 mill chips now but are not even in the money. A player that plays way below his bank but wins a lot but it was medium stakes. Some just show up for league games now but played a lot a few years ago and they have 400 mill chips or started last year and dominated league games every week but only have 10 mill. You can take any year they started and have no clue how much they played,bought,re loaded,what stakes they played, was it tourneys or rings and 100 diff other things. I have no clue why people look at the account opening date and assume they played every day but they only played a few times a week or month or took years off and found themselves back on here again to find out their rank went from 500 to 1800 because of chip inflation while they took a break for awhile. Anyway those are just a few examples as to why looking at someones date when they opened their account and looking at their chips is truly pointless/meaningless.


I think only at the lower ranks. It would cost, what, about $300 to buy 10 million chips and an extremely modest ranking. To get a top 500 ranking would cost about $2000, and who would bother?


Helpful because when an unknown player arrives on your table in a tournament, you can look him/her up and get a rough shorthand idea of how good a player he is. For example, playing on the site for less than a year and in the top 1000 probably means that the player has made some serious efforts to learn how to play the game. On the other hand, if the player has less than a million chips and has been on the site for years, they are probably not a winning player.


It is possible, but statistically I hardly ever encounter them. I don’t think I have ever looked up a player who has been here more than 10 years. In fact I am sure that I have not, because I always look up the bios of players I have not seen before.

A player that has been here for less than a year and his rank is less than 1,000 gives u an idea how good he is? umm no… he could have easily bought that amount of chips ( that is prob still in the range of some people buying or maybe he bought half those to get a jump start ) Anyway i posted above several reasons why that tells u nothing. If you want to relate those 2 together than go ahead but it will be so flawed that you are better off not knowing that info. One of the best and few things to do and know is to play on their table many times.


So far, out of the 7,000+ I have notes on, I think I’ve run across just one who started in 2005 and two others from 2007, Almost everyone else has been here under ten years. (Yes, I know the current owner bought RP about 2006 or 7, so that one old guy must’ve been a holdover from the origin.)
EDIT: Oops! I literally JUST found another from 2005 in another thread. Amazing!

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Mekon, there is a link from another thread earlier this year that u can add to show up when u click on your bank transactions. It takes only 10 seconds to load/update every time you wanna see it. I added it when i saw the thread and its great info. Its called “replay bankroll chart” shows a graph/chart from the day u started replay till now and every time u update it adds to the current day and it shows all your play. Underneath the chart it shows how many MTTs played, # of MTTs in the money and % of MTTs played in the money,net gain/profit, and total buy in amount. Even though it says MTT on all those im almost certain that it tracks Sit n Gos and MTTs combined just looking at mine based on how many Sit n Gos and MTTs ive played. I forgot which thread the link is in but i know many started using it so someone can maybe tell u where its at or how to get to it and add it to your bank transaction page. I think thats exactly what your looking for but you can only see your graph and stats and not others. Hope this helps.

ANYTHING you might want to know about me, that is of any real value to you (whether you are playing on RP or not), can be found on a Department of Corrections website.



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I have found the profiles to be of some use in that, in my experience, the most reckless players are ranked with either seven digits or four. The more extreme the number on the ranking scale, the more reckless.

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For which state?

When you play in a cash game (not online} how would you know how one plays? Does the players chips make a difference to you? Other players have no idea how you play. After you play for awhile, if you do not know who (to put it nice} will lose their $$ it is you.


( agreed, already gives too much info ) AND

If you want to learn how I play, then there should be only 1 way !!

  • Pay for it -

By that I mean , pay the buyin and blinds to sit
on a table I’m playing on, and learn about me.
Period , drops the Microphone