New players and pre-flop raise

NO offense, but my friend, your WRONG…I played and play cash games and here-----THE pre flop risers every hand at both places are donks who go broke—Trust me, i am old and have seen it for many years lol:).

Maybe these players are new to poker, Literally, and have read a few Hold em books or gone on YouTube looking for a strategy ?
A lot of the Authors of these books are adamant about raising preflop BUT, they do not say every hand all the time.
They basically are talking about position betting and I think it could be misunderstood by the new to replay new to poker rookies to bet preflop everytime ???
Or Not ??

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Again, in a full ring cash game, you SHOULD raise literally every hand you want to play. At least, that is part of many winning strategies.

What makes players “bingo go broke” is when they do this with an absurdly wide range.


You’re assuming this is real poker.


AWWW, WRONG, i play and played cash games online and in person for MANY years and only Donks who go broke raise EVERY hand lmao:).

I honestly do NOT think 90% of players on here (or small cash games) have a clue about “position betting etc.” means or is lol:).

I think you two are talking about different things.

is not the same as

Playing way too many hands is the biggest mistake novice players make. Not raising with hands they do play is also a common mistake. If they don’t fix the first issue though, then they probably are better off limping vs open raising. They’ll still be losing, just a bit slower.


Kind of, BUT, u DO NOT raise every hand you play, if you do, you’re a Donk and go broke----I am old and trust me on this…When i started playing at casinos (VERY young) i would raise on hands i played and after losing a nice amount of money lol i learned fast:)…You ever hear of slow playing a good hand ( i know, on re-play 7 ppl. will chase u 2 the river and beyond lol but not in real life:).

We’re just talking about open raising pre-flop right?
I have data from real life that shows people are losing at a significant rate when they just limp in. They win chips on average when they open raise.
It’s cool you were able to make a limping strategy work, but most people can’t. They would be winning if they only played the hands they open raised though, so I don’t think trying to follow that strategy makes them donks.

You know what I have noticed, if you limp in or play tight, you will go card dead. If you raise and reraise, you get the flops ?? Seriously


There’s many reasons why that might appear to be the case when it’s not. I can assure you I’ve had the same run of being card dead then finally making a hand only to lose to a better hand that you describe in the other thread, and I almost never limp.
The thing is, when you just limp in you are almost completely reliant on hitting the flop. When you are the preflop raiser, you can continue on many flops even when you miss. There’s a lot of good flops for the preflop raiser, very few for those that just limped in.

I have my data (playing poker for MANY MANY years for REAL cash ) with VERY good players, ONLY donks who like to lose money pre flop raise every hand they play:)…I am old, MANY years of casino, online and 2 years here, guess we all been lucky and pre flop raisers every hand just un-lucky my friend:)…P.S.Would love to see you at the tables:)…

My question is why I am told I have lost the hand (by the site) before the cards have been dealt? How does the site know, unless it has been a pre programmed, the outcome of the hand before the cards have been fully dealt. This has happened repeatedly, where it shows my stack reduced and shows on the table the winning hand before the cards have been dealt.

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Hi 2Words, :smiley:
Sounds like a table freeze to me… do you have the hand number???

If you’re going to play here all common sense poker rules are moot. When in Rome…

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Well, just because it’s not bad to raise every hand you want to play doesn’t mean you can’t be a bad player just because you raise every hand you play. Here on Replay, for every studied, disciplined player open raising the correct ranges, there’s probably a hundred players who have no idea what they’re doing and are just blasting off with nearly any two.
The theoretically correct strategy implemented poorly is way worse than a slightly less optimal strategy played well.
To be fair, in the online cash games I play, it’s kind of the opposite situation. The good players are open raising, the weaker players are limping a lot, so my data will make limping look worse than it actually is.
I suspect what both our data is showing is that bad players lose, but how bad and good players play preflop can be different in different environments.

Yep, That’s the reason. All we can do is play the cards we are dealt to the best of our ability, for a win of a hand and eventually the game.

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No offense, YOU and your data are a joke:)…I just played (30 minutes ago) with my friends in a small cash game and had a guy raise whenever he played a hand, us limpers all made money off of him:). Actually, here on RE-PLAY-ppl. who pre-flop raises EVERY hand they play USUALLY do not win tournaments, cash games etc. as my 2 years here has showed me Donks who do this ANYWHERE give free chips to us or cash at other places----Maybe my 40 year’s experience is not enough data yet:).

Hi Fellas! :smiley:
It seems to me that no one strategy will fit all situations. We all know (HA!) to change our play based on the situation of the moment. Just like the adage: “no battle plan survives first contact with the enemy” there is no “one size fits all” strategy. Don’t be flexible, be fluid,… humans make plans, and the supreme being rotfl,… etc,… etc. :grin: I could go on??..
Peace! :wink:

Right. Tournament strategy especially, as it constantly shifts based on stack sizes, stages and payouts. There are, in theory anyway, situations where it would be correct to fold aces preflop for example, but doing that all the time would definitely not be a good idea.
I usually try to make it clear that I’m not talking about tournament strategy for this reason and because I almost never play them.
At 100bb cash, the solver will just never limp outside of the small blind. The AI bot Pluribus also removed open limping from its strategy (outside of the small blind). Interestingly, it did this after it was already better than the best human players. So clearly open limping is not a huge error, but the solvers prove that open raising is the optimal play.
There’s a really good article on Pluribus here for anyone whose interested: Facebook, Carnegie Mellon build first AI that beats pros in 6-player poker

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