You could also look at it this way…
Daily bonus - 2500 chips
Endorsing 20 players - 500 chips.
Do that repeatedly and it’s 3000 free chips per day, keeps your balance ticking over nicely.
You could also look at it this way…
Daily bonus - 2500 chips
Endorsing 20 players - 500 chips.
Do that repeatedly and it’s 3000 free chips per day, keeps your balance ticking over nicely.
Little by little those chips add up. Bankroll management
Precisely Craig.
I`m still waiting for an explanation of “How” do we move from level 2 to 3 etc , I have asked support 3 times and they still have not explained, seems like a VERY simple question I have a large group of friends that would like to know because of course the chip dump difference between level 3 where I have been stuck forever and level 4 is approx. 20K.I have reached level 3 waaay ahead of some of these players but now they have made it to 4. Some say your 3 endorsements have to be relatively the same figure, example 35 pro, 38 good sport, 27 helping hand (support says no). I asked how about 100% and zero for the other 2 ? (supports answer was " I have seen this" ) what does that mean ??? I am just looking for an answer to our question " what triggers the jump from one level to the next" I am at these 3 percentages ; pro 72.6 good sport 19.3 help hand 8.2 (notice it exceeds 100 % ) SO WHY am I not at level 4 ? ty for reading 1530
There is info on RP that explains the basics of Endorsements. Its easy and fast to move from Rank 1 to 2. Each new higher rank gets harder to achieve. Moving from 2 to 3 felt fairly slow for me, and even slow to go from 3 to 4!
If u want to move up the Ranks of Endorsements fast, then play in friendly games, particularly with friends. Endeavour to endorse every 24 hours.
I moved up fairly quickly from 1 to 2 playing with friends and playing in MTT freerolls. I dont know the formula or algorithm that RP uses for endorsements BUT based on experience you move up based on how many endorsements you receive. You receive no benefit from giving out endorsements in terms of progression. Don’t waste your time giving endorsements to players that are not friendly & never chat. The only benefit of Endorsing other players is they are more likely to endorse back etc.
Most players dont care about Endorsements! Find and make friends that do like Endorsing! Maybe some Leagues might be worth joining.
The different stats pro, G sport, H Hand are all exactly the same and names are meaningless. It makes ZERO difference what type of Endorsement you give or receive.
I’m currently at rank 4 and fairly confident I will never reach rank 5 bc i dont play enough and receive regular endorsements.
Keep in mind everything I’ve expressed and explained is my own personal opinion.
They mean nothing because MANY bad players give ANYONE a helping hand just to get 25 free chips and i wish we had to pay 25 chips to give an endorsement and i bet that would stop fast:).
They really ought to scrap the Helping Hand one because it is truly meaningless. Nobody is going to “help” another player win a pot or a tournament, the only help you can get is here on the Forums.
Yea @BlackWidow mentioned bad players give Helping Hand after they suffer defeat!
Its funny tho bc most players prob dont even notice getting it anyway! lol
I just took some chips off a player and he gave me a helping hand :).
Hi @1530,
I responded to your message via email that you need to get more endorsements to get to the next level, but I also want to answer here for the other players who have the same question. It’s fairly easy to reach rank 1, but it becomes more challenging to attain ranks beyond 2. We decided to keep the exact number hidden to prevent players from hassling others for endorsements when they know they’re close to leveling. Our goal is to keep the system pure, so as not to use it to game the system. We don’t want players asking their friends to endorsement them.
The percentages between different types of endorsement can vary, but they will always equal to 100%. The percentages you provided equal to 100.1%. There are times it can can be under or over by .1%. If you have the following percentage allocation for example, the total will be 99.9% and this happens. The number will not be over or under by one whole number, just a difference of .1%.
33.3% Poker Pro
33.3% Good Sport
33.3% Helping Hand
I’ve seen other players have 100% for one type of endorsement and 0% for the other two, and this happens usually the first time a player gets an endorsement.
You are at level 3 which is great. To answer your question how to get to level 4, you need more endorsements to get there. Once again, we are not disclosing the figure of how many endorsements it takes to move from one level to the next for the reason mentioned above.
I hope this helps.
It sounds like it’s too late and is already being done.
@bill8888 I just took some chips off a player and he gave me a helping hand
I can only assume that player learned something from you on that hand my friend!! GL at the tables
@smooth99 Agree! Its mostly only friends that endorse other friends anyway! Its stupidly easy the game the system and I’d be surprised if RP wasn’t aware of this basic flaw in design and implementation.
You don’t even need to play daily to give and receive endorsements. You can game the system by using the same hand replayed every 24 hours for a friend! Just load a replay of a hand you both played together every 24 hours and endorse them, and send the hand to them and ask them to endorse you back.
Thanks for all your feedback about our Endorsements feature. I am passing them along to the rest of the Team. Have a wonderful weekend!
Finally, an answer to my original question. THANK YOU
Am closing this topic as it is overlapping with Endorsements/Levels.