New Endorsements

don’t get it you people. many crapped all over missions, but love this childish endorsements. like many you posted in missions thread, wish could turn this feature off

Don’t use it is same as off.

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but I can still receive them, so its not same as off.

What are endorsements for.


I dont now with this endorsment,feels bad when you get a helping hand! Then the other laughs at you!!!


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Don’t look at it that way Johan. Someone had a problem and you helped them. That is a good person :+1:t2:


I have a question about the Endorsement Ranks. Do you need to receive or give a certain amount to increase the rank? Mine is still Rank 1, I’ve noticed a few of my Friends have ranks 3, 4 or higher. I presume they’ve just been more active and given/received more Endorsements.

Correct :white_check_mark:

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Gracias Craig.

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I 1000000% AGREE:)

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Last month I received $7,377 in monthly endorsements, This month $5,883?

I have received MANY endorsements this month increasing My percentages, Yet My pay out DECREASED by almost $2,000???

Please tell me why this would decrease.

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If you give an Endorsement, you get 25 chips for this. Every month on 15. you get Endorsement monthly drop for your Endorsement Rank. I was the last 10 months on Rank 3, and there was many ups and downs too, between 29k and 22k. My drops on the last 5 months, Jan. - May, was 29,365, 24,603, 28,821, 26,854 and 22,484. I play every day on friends tables and we give us Endorsements. On other tables I get Endorsements too. I think Rank 4 is for me not far away. I can not understand this too. A friend of me has now Rank 4, and got yesterday 48k.
You can read here:

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Chip drops on the 15th of the month are based on your rank from 1 to 5. The chip drop is a RANDOM amount dictated by your rank. As Poki65 says, each time you give an endorsement, you get 25 chips.


Now i saw it, RANDOM. tyvm, jujube

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Random amount!

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No problem:)

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I wasn’t aware of this. Thanks

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i never knew you recived chips for endorsements. smh i give them out regulary, but not for chips and when i recived them i thought it was because i had played a good game now that i know you reward players with chips they mean far less. why not just go through every table giving them to each player their just to get the chips, take away the rewards for giving out endorsments and only give rewards to the players receving them would not only cut the amount given out but would make the player receing it feel as tho he or she had truly played a game that impressed someone. i guess the players that knew endorsments recieved chips had a good joke on me thinking you got them because you had a good game smdh

I only endorse people I think deserve it. 25 chips is not going to make me endorse someone. I’d even be willing to give up chips for a negative endorsement…
Now that would be interesting.