Luck-Enhancing Rituals?

In a promising hand with much at stake, I crisscross all four fingers of my left hand tightly. This is my luck-enhancing ritual, something I barely even notice myself doing. And I swear it works! :wink:

If we were all playing in the same room together, no way you’d share as it would be a tell. But here we are, miles apart, no visual contact…so spill it! What do YOU do to make sure the dealer shows you love?


LOL, I shout BANZAII!! in I go all in.

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okay–I’m trying that next time! lol

Rituals are a very important part of poker…

I played with a guy who would get up and dance and chant around his chair when he needed to change his luck…

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threaten him with my AR15,if that doesn’t work I threaten him with playing nude :wink: lol


Even I am quaking in my boots at the mental image of NicUrChips’s nudity! AR15 = meh! lol


About which part, Jan?

are you saying size matters lol

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I’m referring to my weapon of course lmao


I tend to visualize and concentrate on the cards I need to make my hand. But 9 times out of 10 I land up with my silverware drawer full of bent spoons. Go figure.


I ask my wife to do the poker version of what Arnold Palmer’s wife did to enhance his golf game: I have her kiss my cards!

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[ rolls eyes ] …lol

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Oh 300, you’re such a hoot!

yup will put that in my notes …he’s a hoot…lol

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