This is a great topic and that is one cute dog…hehe 
I’ve found I have to play a certain way to get through all the losing hands that poker has to offer. Poker is a real roller coaster ride. Sometimes you are on a hot streak and it feels like you can do nothing wrong. Others, the cards just won’t cooperate and someone else is having the time of their lives. To cope, I do the following and it has made me a lot of chips. I win more than I lose. Maybe this will help you as well. The key is to have fun!!
My simple poker strategy:
In order to start betting I need a face card of Jack or better. Then I hit call until I get a pair. Then I go all in if someone hasn’t already forced me all in with their bets. All other starting hands I fold. When I hit a certain amount of chips won, I leave the table. This applies to ring games only. Tournament play is more difficult. I have a modified system for that. Also, you have to have your settings set for automatic top off and rebuy. Start off at the minimum chip buy in. Modify as needed to have fun!!
My biggest problem in poker was knowing when to and by how much to increase my bet. I don’t know all the percentages to win a hand with specific cards dealt and at what times to bet this much or that. I needed a simple way to allow myself the ability to stay in a hand without getting frustrated at how the cards were falling.
In all aspects of life we need to give ourselves the permission to do something. Whether it’s by faith or for a person’s family, something is needed for us to take action. Perhaps, it’s just the right thing to do or doing something on principal. Once you have the ok to move forward, then you can.
For me, most times, I simply tell myself. What have I got to lose? If I do nothing, then I’ve already failed.
By telling yourself that you can bet until you get a pair, then you can stay in a hand without folding. You get more play time and can be amazed at how often (it is quite often) another player is in the hand with nothing more than a pair themselves. I’ve had four suited cards with all players in the hand and would’ve bet my last dollar that someone had to have hit the flush. So often, they are playing a simple pair or drawing to the flush and miss it. You find out a lot about people by playing this way. You see many hands you might’ve folded and you will get rewarded. You also lose a lot.
The last part of this strategy is to set a limit at which you’ll leave the table to bank your chips won. You have to cash out at some point. Choose a chip stack that feels right to you. I’ve gone from thousands of chips to zero. Ups and downs are a part of poker no matter what your strategy.
I know. I know. You might be thinking. Mark seriously. Does this work?
I was amazed the first time I used this system. Turns out it does.
If you have success using this system, let me know. Or if you find flaws in it, I’d love to hear from you as well. The key is to always have fun!!