Hi, I would like to know how come I had lost all my chips when I got disconected, also I tried to get a free chips but Its said I still have more than 500 chips in my bank, but when I entered in any table, It said I got 0 chip in bank, Actually I still have more than 13000 chips, but lost all totals lost chips is more than 22000.
Just checking your bank records, I can see there was a delay in returning your chips from the table, but they eventually were returned yesterday:
Created at (EST -05:00) Username Reason Change Description Operation Total Chips Dec 16, 2013 07:32 AnhDung game 8,717 leaving table 374170 deposit 24,876 Dec 16, 2013 07:31 AnhDung game 13,659 leaving table 374109 deposit 16,159
Hopefully that means the problem is fixed? We had some problems on Sunday night, so it wasn’t until Monday morning that we fixed them. Let me know if you still think there is a problem, sorry about that delay!