Now before I start this is not a " I lost all my chips its not fair " post , I ended my session slightly up and of course I realise bluffing is part of the game but theres a difference (IMO ) Between bluffing and constantly buying the pot. I know the drill, wait for the right hand etc and TBH when I re-raised with a premium hand , the aggro fish did usually fold. I realise No limit is just that, "No limit" and every play is valid but I find battling these aggro fish very tedious and not conducive to me enjoying my game to the point where I don
t feel like playing anymore. This hand is pretty typical and went on more or less the whole session . Large raise pre flop followed by huge bet post flop Hand #861163047 · Replay Poker Hand #861149431 · Replay Poker
Sry too here about your run of bad luck… It happens to us all… or most of us. I suggest playing tournament games so you can limit the amount of chips you can lose on one game. and fold over 75% of all hands played. I mean limit your hand section. when you do play, play aggressive. If you want you can friend me I would love to help you Improve your game.
Try Fixed limit or Pot limit if your not enjoying No limit.
Don’t give up the will to live !!! Or at least play like your thread title says…
Hi there I see your point.
But all players have there own playing style and it is up to the challengers that is playing to adapt to that kind of play and figure how can i beat it.
You are right as to not like that playing style and not want to play against it.
The only choices you have is play or not. I am sorry that there is no other choice. Good luck at the tables.
Maybe I will feel differently next time ,I wouldn`t mind but its not really a style is it ? " Lets just throw a load of chips in and hope everyone folds "
If you don’t have the patience to wait them out until you have a monster hand, you’re playing the wrong game. The will to live thing is just over the top.
I dont quite kowwhat u mean i played with motif at table few times and she is agressive with good hands plays nice game and its not kind to name her aggrofish especially she is not a fish plays niice game and those hands are not buying just cbet at boards she rather hits…
Nope not having that. Nobody can possibly hit the board at that rate. Clearly buying the pot again and again just trying to push everyone off the pot with the large bets. I`m not rank 51 but i have played enough to know what I do and dont like … so If poker is all about just shoving chips in the middle and thats a nice game then you can keep it
hi again Nikkiw. There is a lot of other games to play here on replay Like the Dream weaver league team games were the games are not oriented about winning a lot of chips. the buy inn’s are only 5K… the games are more about being a good team player making friend’s and friendly chat. just saying keep your options open.
yes poker is about it what u said so if u dont like why u play? u want play ur 4blind pots by limoing and thats probably nice game for you… i think i will not discuss with you and i definitely understand you just cant exploit bit agressive motif strategy and i think if u want limoy tables u will find for sure…
Looks like your playing against (LAG) Loose Aggressive players. They are easy enough to play against. However, if they notice you back down a lot to their play they will intensive their behaviour. If they can make you angry enough to quit playing they have degraded your play enough you cannot win.
There are a lot of good poker article’s on how to play against LAG players. Go Gettem!!
You are basically accusing someone of playing poker.
“Wait for a great hand” is not a valid solution.
Good luck.
“Wait for a great hand” is not a valid solution.
“Wait for a good hand” and push back hard is a valid solution.
Strategy is all about doing what works. It appears as though your opponents have discovered that and you have not in this case. How do you beat that person? You trap them. They try to buy one too many pots, and you have the hand to bust them down to size.
One of the things I love about poker is that there is no one strategy that works. You play a variety of opponents, and you need to adjust your game to them just as they do against you. So the fact that you despise playing against a pot buyer doesn’t mean that they are doing something wrong. It’s only that you have not effectively countered them yet.
Your bankroll is 5M, and you play on 20K/40K, must bring 2M – 6M to table. Not good. Better you go down to 200/400.
I already said in my OP that every play is valid. Doesnt mean I have to enjoy it.This isn
t a personal attack on a single player who I dont know, have never met or even played before ,rather that whole hyper aggressive genre that I find frustrating and difficult to play against . I
m really thinking I need a break from the game or give it up altogether.
So in the first hand you posted.
- You limped from UTG (not usually recommended)
- 3 Players limped behind (again not recommended)
- Motif raises to 5BB on the BB ( she/he has done exactly the right thing)
- You fold
Sorry to say, but rather than complaining about Motif, you need to understand why Motif is playing correct winning poker and you are not.
Think about it and you will come out the other side a better player
There’s nothing wrong with taking a break if you aren’t having fun.
Soup-You were playing the same table so you know in that session it was pointless raising as a large bet was almost certainly coming, IMO better to disguise my hand with a limp and get it in on a later street why advertise my strength (if any) ? We played for a couple of hours and I was slightly up and Motif was quite well down , I know that doesnt mean squat over a short period but she certainly wasn
t crushing the table, only irritating me ! PS I feel bad that I appear to be having a personal swipe at Motif, that wasnt my intention , I was using her as an example of that style of play. Anyhoo I will be taking the Guru
s advice and stepping away for a while and maybe do some more study instead of play and maybe come back refreshed
But you folded to the raise. You didn’t disguise any strength. So i don’t understand your logic.
What I would say is happening is this. Motif is a very good player. She has worked out that you limp too often from EP with marginal hands. She is therefore exploiting your strategy, knowing that you fold too much to aggression and that you play too many marginal hands from EP.
So trying to limp as a “disguise” is a failing strategy against her.
A much better strategy for you is this. IMAO
Don’t limp from EP with marginal hands. Ask yourself , are you prepared to defend this hand against this player if she raises. If not then FOLD it EP.
Then bet her for value. So that is, when you finally do have a good pocket hand, bet then RE-RAISE her when she is aggressive. Because as you have recognised she can’t always have better hands than you.
This will have two effects .
- You will take her for value when your hand selection is good.
- she will start to think twice about always being aggressive against you.