Lol @ the chat filter

So, I just got a 1 week chat ban because me and @daslda were making fun of the embarrassingly weak chat filter. Turns out you can type any of the Forbidden Words by just adding an extra letter. We had taken to doing this while chatting with each other as a joke. A slew of these instances were cited in the email notifying me I had been muted.

Y’all need to get your act together IMO. If you’re going to make the chat filter out certain words, why should I expect any punishment for typing words that the filter allows me to type?

You can’t type “sh!t” but you can type “dogsh!t” without using the exclam. Et cetera. Any bad word with an extra letter at the front like ff**k. Hilarious.

Now I’m in time out bc we figured this out and had a laugh about it? Get outta here!

I’m not filing a dispute via the forum; I understand that contacting support is the way to do that, which I’ve done. I just wanted to highlight for discussion/public awareness that the chat filter is embarrassingly poorly thought out, and I guess make others aware that despite this, you can still face sanctions for exploiting said poorly thought out filter, even in jest.

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you can find the explanation in the site rules, you can find that at the bottom of the dashboard under site rules

I previously played on PlayStation for many years. There were many strange and innocent words censored & **** out. Nutella was changed to * * * ella, penut was pe***. I wish i could remember the hundreds of other strange & innocent censored words that made no logical sense to censore.

This site seems to run on a pretty dry budget from my point of view. Its not that surprising its filter and censorship is fairly simple & basic.

I always find it more interesting firstly that someone decides to report in the first place… secondly its interesting that RP finds it necessary to ban or take action.

I have been reported & warned for calling a specific top 10 player, a bingo player on a separate table, and i never even played w said player! Im pretty sure that player would laugh & consider it a compliment. Off Topic? Maybe the word “bingo” should be censored too, just so player like me that are making meaningless conversation are not perceived as insulting & rude?

The site just changed to 18+ so maybe its time to make the rules for adults now?

I have received a few warnings and bans for minor offensive words previously, so now i try to keep my chat super clean & boring. I have friends that swear in chat infrequently and don’t seem to get bans. It just depends who u r from my experience…

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There will always be people who think it is amusing to try and manipulate the rules regarding banned words. No one wants to stop players enjoying themselves, but please do so within the rules of engagement. It is possible to enjoy a friendly game of poker without trading insults which is what this site is all about, and I for one became a moderator so that all players could come here to enjoy themselves without resorting to the kind of language which to the majority would be offensive.
Keep it friendly, keep it clean, and above all be light of heart when you play here.


its funny tho

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above all be light of heart when you play here.

Lighthearted - mild, gentle, easygoing, witty, entertaining, cheerful

The opportunity to sell this card to Younguru for a mere 900M has passed.

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I personally think the rules(at least some of them) are pretty much for children.
Everyone so easily offended it’s ridiculous and i fine this site boring because of it.
It still is the best free chip site out there but terribly BORING


The replay filter is not intended to catch everything, back late 90s when I first started chatting online there were many exploits, but it wasn’t until I met my girlfriend LaFawnduh online that I changed my wase, I stopped logging into a Chinese server so I could make a chat name that bypassed the filters but when translated was somewhat unsavory.
Here you are given trust and enough rope to hang yourself if that’s the path you choose. It’s not like we didn’t know you could do that, most of us just choose not to.
I prefer to say really nice things, things one’s grandma might say, like (are you having a bad day) ( is there anything I can do to help) cause I am nice like that!

Without those basic rules, it would be a free for all.

Sitting at the table and immediately entering the fray.

Confrontation after confrontation as the chat box spins wildly with expletives.

That would be ridiculous too and would destroy one’s focus from the actual game of poker.

The boredom aspect doesn’t arise from civil chat rules.

Here are the real reasons why poker is boring to you.

Repetitive Play:

Poker involves a lot of folding, especially in games like Texas Hold’em. If you’re not catching good cards, you might find yourself folding hand after hand.

Long Sessions:

Tournaments can last for hours, and there can be long stretches where the action is slow. Waiting for the right moment to strike requires patience.

Predictable Opponents:

Playing against opponents who are predictable or overly cautious can make the game less exciting.

Lack of Stakes:

Playing for low stakes or in games without much at risk might not provide the adrenaline rush some players crave.


Long sessions can also lead to mental fatigue, making the game feel more like a grind than a thrill.

Yeah, I get it. I just think mutes should be reserved for either

  1. actual abusive behavior, like attacking other players or being rude to them
  2. repeated use of “offensive” language and “bad” words after being asked to stop

If anyone at my tables asks me not to swear, even if said cussing was done in jest, I’m happy to comply.

Laughing with my buddy that “haha we can type this bad word isn’t that funny” and then getting muted for a week seems silly to me, and a clear example of misapplied policy.

And the “tattling” system is not an adult paradigm for conflict resolution. Again, just ask me to change how I’m speaking in the chat if it bothers you, and I’ll gladly do so. Again, different if “how I’m speaking” is “being rude to you personally”—I can appreciate that in such cases, one may not wish to directly confront the presumptive offender.

But I think we should all be able to handle “that person said f*** and I don’t like that, so I’ll ask them not to swear around me”

I just want you to know that last night at the game, I chatted you up quite a bit knowing you could not answer, I even told everyone you lost your chat because you called me a nerd, So, some fun came of this, we will put it all behind us when it’s over. You are still a good guy and fun to razz in the games. That will never change.

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Why would you even think this would be necessary on here?

I really don’t get it because swearing at someone else you’re playing against is not some form of TRASH TALKING. When you do it live, you’ll always run the risk of the other player(s) coming over the top of the table to shut you up.

If they don’t do this at the table then they may or will follow you out of the poker room.

I don’t really mind swearing personally unless it’s used to attack others. Which isn’t always the case.

Exactly - by the way, I’ve been flagged twice for sarcastically “berating” my friends at the table. We’re just having a laugh, and I end up muted.

You do NEED to find a girlfriend (or boyfriend) lol:) as you have WAY 2 much extra time on your hands:)


Why would calling someone a nerd get you a chat penalty? That is really ricullouse and who would even report that lmao


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@ColbyRoad I was looking forward to learning about this “ricullouse” which I assume is some sort of small parasite that lives in hair and goes “WOOO!”

I was joking, he never called me a nerd, I was not even there when he got reported.
I am about as far from a nerd as you can get, raised western, trail riding gun totin, skeet shootin, NASCAR watchin, meat eater (Total Nerd)

Didn’t you earlier this year complain about an MTT Leaderboard (chips won) leader doing this exact same thing to you?

The post was deleted but I saw it. Now you seem to be doing the same thing to others. I don’t get it.

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