Every day, from Sunday, December 1st until Wednesday, December 25th you’ll have access to a different promo code unlocking a surprise treat. Each promo code will be valid for 24 hours only from 00:01hrs till 23:59hrs ET and can only be redeemed once. To redeem a promo code, simply go to your Bank Page, click on the ‘Redeem Promo Code’ button and enter the code.
Curious to find out what’s in store for you? Then make sure you visit our promotions pageevery day to receive your daily gift!
The blurb says to visit the promotions pageevery day to receive your daily gift! but there is no promo code on the promotions page for this promo.
I get the new code for next day on the promo site at midnight my timezone here, 6 hours before Replays day changing. And it works then not for the first 6 hours. Australia is 10 hours in front of me, i’m sure they get the code for next day 16 hours before Replays day changing. Not good. Replay uses Country time instead of Replay time for showing the daily code, but they use Replay time for redeeming it.
Perhaps that is what the promo blurb should say and not just:
make sure you visit our promotions pageevery day to receive your daily gift!
Since the promo codes are NOT to be found ON the main promo page but are one more layer deep. I find that wording to be a little deceptive.
If you used the same page and just updated it every day instead of using a new page for each day of the promo, you could just change the link in the blurb to go directly to the promo code page but I suppose for some reason it is easier to create a different page for each day of the promotion, upload them all to the server at once, and change the link on the main promo page each day.
Maybe I am picking nits but I believe it is better to be clear and correct in the information published even if it is only just instructions for some promotion which many folks will probably figure out regardless. I just have a thing for attention to detail.