Anyone bumps into Santa's Christmas Drops yet?

Hi guys,

Anyone happens to bump into Santa’s Christmas Drops while playing ring games so far?

Please share a screenshot of how Santa Claus looks like on the table :wink:

Actually, now you mention it, this chap was sitting at my ring game this morning in a very jolly mood. He did not give me any chips, but gave us all a mince pie!


what are Santa Drops…please tell me they are not from his reindeer lol?




Anyone knows if Santa is able to join a full table? Must we leave a empty seat for our Dear Santa? :wink:

I have never heard of “Santa Drops” explain please?

SCF 22 - Santa’s Christmas Drops

Did you know that Santa loves social poker so much that he has an account here at Replay Poker? ‘RPSantaClaus’ logs in from Lapland to play his favourite game with his favourite community, and now he wants to give back.

From Monday, December 12th until Sunday, December 18th, Santa could visit any Ring Game at any time, and when he does, he will be giving away an equal share of either 750,000 or 1,500,000 free chips to each player at the table, just for playing!

So if you see Santa at your table, you know you are in for a gift. You do not have to do anything special, just simply visit the Ring Game Lobby, play your favourite game and hope that Santa and his sleigh ride on up to your table.

Santa and his reindeer want to thank you for playing at Replay Poker and wish you a truly happy festive season.


Hello Replayers, RPSantaClaus is visiting randomly selected tables twice each day and sending chips to the players there. I’m afraid I don’t have time to actually play, but that means more lucky players can get chips. :wink: :wink:

I will be playing tomorrow though, in the annual Santa’s Bust the Staff, where all the Staff have a 100,000 Bounty awarded to whoever knocks them out.

Happy Holidays, One and All, and have a wonderful 2023
