CASH PRIZE CONTEST! - What would you do with some extra cash or chips this season?

:moneybag: :moneybag: :moneybag: We have an exciting new contest for our Replay Poker community members – Poker Payday! :dollar: :dollar: :dollar:

In this new promotion, we’ll be giving out CASH prizes. Yep, no chips this time – we’re thanking you for your loyalty with a little extra cushion for your pockets. :coin:

This contest is completely free to enter! You’ll participate just like any other monthly contest, by replying in this thread to our question:

What would you do with some extra cash or chips this holiday season, and into the new year? :snowflake:

Would you treat yourself to a special meal, or get a loved one a nice gift? Step up into some higher stakes? Share your answer here for a chance to win!

There will be twelve cash winners, but we’re making it a baker’s dozen: one additional winner will receive Replay Poker swag of their choice! Here’s the breakdown:

1 winner will receive $200
3 winners will receive $100
4 winners will receive $50
4 winners will receive $25
1 winner will receive one item of Replay swag (hat, t-shirt, hoodie, tumbler)

You must be 18+ to enter and have an eligible PayPal account in order to receive a prize. Winners must provide proof of age to Please view our full terms and conditions at this link.

In the meantime, Santa’s Christmas Festival is running through the end of December! Read our promotions page to see how you can win those extra chips we mentioned. :sunglasses:


$200.00 bucks, eh?

I got it!

2 tickets to the Rolex 24 @ Daytona.

And a ride on the Ferris Wheel at 10PM when the fireworks go off.

My wife ABSOLUTELY HATES FERRIS WHEELS, but we have discussed this dream of mine many times before.

Make it happen REPLAY!

Make it happen!


I’ll probably give some of it to a person who really needs some extra cash (maybe).


$25 / $50 save it for Anzac Day (memorial) and put it on Two Up
$100 / $200 take mum out to dinner for all the work she does for xmas dinner
SWAG - wear it, drink from it!

I would spend it wisely, at the local casino.




What kind of proof of age over 18 will be required?
My concern is identity theft. How about if I just promise that I am? I’m an open book and I’m unable to lie directly to any woman or in poker terms bluff them because they usually see right through me.

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Hi FizzyMint, My PayPal was hacked years back.

So, My Winnings would go to Danny Thomas House; St. Jude’s hospital, Thanks!

My genius credit card company, a VERY large and powerfull company couldn’t correct this obvious problem with being hacked, So I had to bail permanently.

Be carefull out there people, Happens all the time, Now more than ever, Later!


Buy some tickets to March Madness for my son and I. Atlanta is one of the hosts the first two rounds my favorite weekend in sports.


I would donate it to my next door family. They have 4 Kids, the wife does not work and her husband is the only bread winner.


Put in my personal bank account. Sounds boring but have to manage that one just like my Replay bank account. The more cash flow the better :heavy_dollar_sign: :heavy_dollar_sign: :heavy_dollar_sign:


Give it to my wife 2 play the slots at the casino the next time we go as she gets bored watching me play poker.


I would use it to help me move from WA State USA to Phoenix AZ USA to be closer to my 5 year old Daughter Sariah, in about 3 to 5 to 7 months from now. I already have a 2011 Shadowcruiser RV, 19 ft trailer. Now I just need to save up some more to ship, move my RV down there, and pay the about $500 a month to rent RV lot. I do it that way, instead of a apt because even a studio apt, cost $1000 to $3000 a month, and a studio apt would be too small to have custody of my daughter.

If I get a prize, I will post picture of RV, daughter, RV lot, in Phoenix, AZ. And even if I don’t get the prize, I can post the pictures in the forums, and in Skype Chat. I save about $100, $150, $200 a month, so the prize would shave off a month or 2 and make it so that I could move down there sooner.

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Like KILLMISTER, My PayPal account was hacked, the only time this has happened to me, so I would like my winnings donated to Cancer Research UK, unless I win the swag of course! :broken_heart:


I have never had a pay pal account. I would be happy to donate my winnings to the World Wildlife Fund, or the Wildlife Animal Sanctuary in Colorado.


My sister needs a new car so I would help her out with the down payment if I win one of the cash prizes.



I don’t have a paypal account so i would like to donate to St. Judes if i am so lucky and blessed to win!Merry Christmas and Happy holidays to all!!


don’t have paypal, but have a cashapp. I would order $200 worth of pizza’s and feed homeless.


Get a passport


I would love to get a new warm coat for My Wife and something special for my Grandson, the first grandchild for my wife and I, for His first Christmas.


I would help my daughter out who is struggling and working 2 jobs to make ends meet.