HTML5 Table Feedback

It’s not change for the sake of change. Adobe has depreciated Flash, and announced an official “end of life” scheduled for 31 Dec, 2020. HTML5 is the future, and will allow Replay to survive and prosper for a long time to come.

I don’t think anybody really likes change. Making the switch isn’t easy, and they should be commended for the great effort, time, and expense required to continue to provide the best poker experience they can deliver. Yeah., there have been (and will be) some bumps in the road, but they have to do what they have to do in order to survive.


@Comicguy - thanks for pointing that out. When those tournaments got converted, we didn’t notice that they went back to awarding chips as well! Chasetheriver has fixed this and future satellites should pay only tickets as normal.

@bahia7 - Chasetheriver also checked out Oceanic Wave, and confirmed that the Flash Oceanic Wave tournaments were also set at fast speed. It does sound like this is related to performance, because the fast clock isn’t any quicker than it was on Flash. I’m sorry that I don’t have a better answer for you on that one, but we’re continuing to look at ways to improve this with the new data we’re gathering.

Regarding the strange rebalance, I’m not sure what happened there! I’ve highlighted that so we can look into it. If anyone else ends up on two tables after a rebalance, please let us know.


Just to clarify, I was only on 1 table, but had 2 windows open to that table and could act and chat in both of them. I only think it happened because I was moved to the table I was already watching. When that happens on the flash tables, you are disconnected from the table you are watching, but instead I ended up with 2 windows to the same table. Thanks for looking into these issues.

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with better cards you might have finished first and second

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Some Positive Feedback on a negative issue.

My internet connection has been terrible the past 2 or more days. I get issues at least several times an hour when its bad - otherwise not at all. The issue is my internet connection cuts out completely for less/more than a minute. Whilst its working I can watch Netflix or YouTube & play poker with other users on the network/WiFi exactly the same as myself being the only WiFi user RE lag, interruptions or a slow connection. Traffic/demand is handled well on my home network/WiFi.

This is the first time I’ve ever seen this error: connection lost, reconnecting. Im not sure if its new from RP or Ive just never lost connection before. Point is its nice to know what is going on & not have to guess.

I’ve played hands where the table is frozen & I’ve been folded & sat out for 2 or 3 hands with nothing happening on screen & no feedback as to what is happening.

The old Flash tables also gave info (feedback) when another player lost connection from the table in ChatBox. More useful info to asses whats going on from my standpoint. Sometimes its simply a player quits table mid hand or mid deal - so we can ignore it. Other times it actually indicates another player is experiencing lag or connectivity issues. It was helpful & useful. Please bring it back!

With so many problems/glitches/errors as a result from lag, connectivity etc it would be useful to have this feedback and understand a little more about whats going on.

In online gaming (pc, PlayStation & Xbox) there is sometimes gauges that show how good/bad connection is whilst playing a game. Often you can also see your ping speed whilst actually playing & even before joining a specific game.

Doing a search for tablets, everything says just wait for Html5.
The trick here isn’t a new Mobile version, its getting it to work on a mobile browser, even if the user has it set to “request desktop site”… when I go to twitch, it works both ways… they have a deticated Mobile version, yet it works fine in desktop mode on a tablet.

I’m still having basic problems…
Jumpy cards/player artifacts on screen when community cards are dealt.
Improper default open size… not 800x650.,… but fullscreen.
Having to click into chatbox window more than once per table ( like every line )
Missing chatbox/infobox slider… with lag , using scrollwheel is iffy @ best.
Having the chatbox activate my keyboard nav bar every time…

Now Fizzy, I’m, not talking asthetic issues, or performance issues, I’m talking basic issues solved months ago for other ppl. Its more than doable to wait for some snazzy mobile UI , but its not necessary if HTML5 just works within a mobile browser.

Chrome is the #1 HTML5 compliant browser, both versions, and both versions should work here… Chrome is Chrome is Chrome… Thats what Google says.

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It just never actually said fast on the table header on the flash tables, but yeah I guess it always was a faster table. Tonight the table, though still labeled fast, was what I am used to and wasn’t crazy fast. Last night I couldn’t count to 5 before the timer ran out, so it must have been a performance issue. I wasn’t the only regular who thought it was way too fast though, so it’s not just my computer. Just wanted to let you know, in case it helps.

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Daaaammmmmiiiiiit: first glitch to benefit the player & I missed it…

I have been playing daily and the new program sucks . It continues to fold you , sometimes before you receive your cards and" most of the time it will have 2 , 3 or 5 cards on the table before the flop and with those cards left on the table they just stack the flop and the turn and river on top of each other! It is without doubt the "biggest screw-up ever !!


Hard to disagree.

Is anyone besides me finding themselves spending as much time dealing the the table issues as with the actual hands?

Delays, wrong suit colors, getting folded without playing, trying to find tournament/player information while at a table, have trouble identifying who the dealer is, and a number of other “lesser” issues (such as empty seats that aren’t empty - (ring games). Until RP fixes these problems it might be prudent to keep playing on the old tables.


Its understandable the new table program will have issues, but can someone explain to the rest of us how this anomaly happens. Community cards coming from different areas of the table? We all see our hand cards dealt from the Pot/Dealer area of the table (no matter where we are sitting) but at a 6 seat game how do turn and river cards sometimes come in from 5-6 and 7:00 o’clock seating positions at the table?

@bahia7 - Chasetheriver took a close look at the tournament you described, and I’ll be sending the details to you today via support because the answer is a bit off-topic. He does believe the rebalancing worked correctly there, and the email will provide an explanation. He was able to replicate the issue on our back-end of two windows opening to the same table, and it’s on the list to be fixed.

@Sassy_Sarah - I double-checked your list of issues with our tech team, and they’ve confirmed that playing on a tablet with the desktop version is still not currently optimized, so running into issues like these may be normal. The default size applies to desktops.

With the work our team has been doing, the current focus is improving performance on desktops, along with optimizing the mobile version of the game for phones and tablets, which was only very recently released. That work won’t fix problems related to the desktop version on tablets, though – users who play on our tables this way will continue to get the semi-supported version.

I can’t say at this time if/when optimizing the desktop version on tablets will happen, and I’m sorry that we can’t be more concrete there, but the issues have been reported. Please feel free to let us know the make and model of your tablet, as our devs can look at what kind of performance to expect on it.

Playing Omaha and Omaha Hi/Lo is extremely painful in the new tables. Half the time you don’t even know what the opponents are betting with and what they won with, especially when you are not playing (have folded). Sometimes you don’t even know why you won or why you lost.

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I have been as critical as anyone about the new tables…but the last two days has shown me that RP is listening and making the new tables functional…played two MTTs at a time yesterday and today and aside from some delay issues and sometimes not seeing the River card when you get moved to another table everything worked pretty well…it’ll be even nicer once they actually show a table and relocate the stats to a better spot…looking forward to it…


Me faltó decir que el conjunto de sonidos en el formato Flash era mejor que en las nuevas mesas.

Es una pena que Flash ya no sea compatible, por lo que Replay Poker debe cambiar. Habrá más mejoras en las próximas semanas.

Translation: It’s too bad that Flash is no longer going to be supported, so Replay Poker is required to change. There will be more improvements in the weeks ahead.

El círculo con fondo celeste o rosado según género,pensado para poner las fotos de los participantes,se usa para poner imágenes o personajes.Recientemente jugué con Frankenstein,Winston Churchill y con un automóvil deportivo color rojo.Ese círculo debiera reducirse y colocar un temporizador blanco que se vaya llenando de rojo,como en las mesas de Flash,y eliminar la linea verde claro que está debajo del asiento Las dos cartas propias se debieran ver hasta la mitad,no un cuarto. Al final de una partida,se debiera dejar un par de segundos para ver quien ganó y con que mano. En la ventana del chat,la información del ganador debiera ser en negrita y no en gris oscuro.

translation :
The circle with a light blue or pink background according to gender, intended to put the photos of the participants, is used to put images or characters. I recently played with Frankenstein, Winston Churchill and with a red sports car. That circle should be reduced and put a timer white that fills with red, as in the Flash tables, and eliminate the light green line that is under the seat. The two own cards should be seen halfway, not a quarter. At the end of a game, you should leave a few seconds to see who won and with which hand. In the chat window, the winner information should be in bold and not in dark gray.

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The new tables are real slow, jerky, freeze up and don’t work. There is no table timer for blinds and you have no idea what your ranking is in the game. Very unprofessional. I won hands and it showed me losing.