I miss playing but I cant. I dont.have a computer. An app would be awesome!
We’re building an app for iphone and android. Should be released before the end of the year!
So any update?
Thanks for asking Saekerhett. It’s taken us longer than we thought, as happens with most development projects! But the good news is that we plan to have a first internal playable version at the end of next week. A version available to players should be available in April or May! =)
Will this also work with I-pad devices and be available through iTunes
I-pad yes, iTune not, I-guess.
If you mean the App Store spock34639 - that’s correct it will be! It’s looking more likely to be May, but I’ll post some further updates nearer the time of launch. It’ll initially be one version for both mobile and tablet, but later we’ll hopefully have a table/iPad optimized version to take advantage of the extra screen space.
Thanks for the update and looking forward to this new app. I use my IPad more than my computer so I don’t play on your site as much. I really like this site keep up the good work.
Thanks spock34639 =)
Hello I am just wondering ow the app is going and if it will be available soon?
Thanks for the prod!
So, I look pretty foolish now having said that a version would be available April/May, and now we’re nearly in August.
However we’re still making progress and we’ve got a big push coming in the next two weeks. After this we expect to make a version available for staff, moderators etc to test and we make invite beta testers from amongst the players.
If you’re particularly keen to help test then please indicate on this topic stating what mobile/table you have - but please only volunteer if you’ve got spare time to help test and provide valuable feedback.
Hey, I have plenty of spare time to test the app, and it would be fun to, I am using a HKC, android tablet.
How is it going so far? I really could use an app!
This is by far the best play money poker site in the world. Please keep it going. THANK YOU!!!
I can hardly wait for you to come out with REPLAY POKER for tablets. We should have a parade when it happens. LOL
No more comments about the app…is it out yet?
Hi blackcat50,
Not yet. A mobile-friendly version of Replay is still coming, keep an eye out for more news a little bit later in the year.
Cheers, Lesley
Any news about the app yet? If i could play from my phone I’d be on this site constantly!
I am an addition to this thread. Is the app planning any release?
This app or no app to be or not 2 b needs some vitamin B17.