Well Bahia, I do see your point…
Just like there’s a ding telling players on a 2nd table they are need’d ( not where tho if more than 2 tables…lol )… a simple ding when its a players’s turn is need’d. There’s another thread on that recently and in the past by me and others…
Comparing 1 sound in CPU time vs a 10-15 sec animation in CPU time… is night/day… but many ppl have ask’d for a visual and audible clue its thier turn… so since there is that Halo and the timer, just add a ding… but the white spinning border I see less than the Halo and seems redundant and uses xtra CPU.
Im just trying to see if either has a benefit I have overlook’d , thats all…lol
I don’t see any benefit to the spinning border. I find that I do notice the halo before the timer, but I’m sure I would adjust fine without it. In a perfect world, with tables the same size as the flash ones, where I could play more than 2 at once, I would definitely want the halo though. The way I positioned my tables playing 3-4, meant that I relied on the timer to tell me when it was my turn on the top 2 tables (I would position myself at the top of the screen on those tables). The fact that the timer is now below the player, would make me unable to play this way, but the halo would alert me. Doesn’t really matter since the tables are too big to do that now, but that is only benefit I saw initially in the halo.
Unfortunately, the new sounds give me a headache, so I have to rely on visual cues alone.
I just played bankroll builder (PC, Windows 10, 28" monitor). The only problem i noticed: 4 colour deck doesnt work for hole cards, but on community cards.
I agree… “Change for the sake of change”… Certainly NOT for the better…Playing less because I’m not enjoying the time here at all, and not enthusiastic about killing time here, and now that decent weather is in the offing, I doubt I’ll be here much anymore…
In cooking there is a saying less is more!!! Prob its been used elsewhere too… The old tables were simpler & better!!! I wouldnt change a thing!!! they were 99% adequate.
The old tables were AdobeFlash & that is a Big difference. The other difference is the new tables have more complications & animations. Something Flash is/was good at: simple graphics & animation.
IMO the new tables dont really “look” better. Maybe Im bias bc they perform much worse. Additionally functionality & playability??? much, much worse!!! Reduce some of the unnecessary bells & whistles and maybe they perform/function/play better.
Agree: The epileptic strobing between SittingOut/ChipStack accomplishes nothing & is irritating. Go back to the old flash tables grey sit out & permenantly display ChipStack. It worked perfectly fine & looked better aKa simpler.
Comparison to old Flash tables: we now have more visuals & animations to indicate a players turn yet its much harder to see at a glance, quickly & easily whose turn it actually is. Its harder to keep up playing multiple tables - forgetting about the lag/connection issues & display size issue. As a part solution beeps (sound-FX) were added: which was completely unnecessary for the old tables & a band-aide fix currently - additionally an extra process.
Its hard to make improvements. The new tables have created molehills that quickly escalate into mountains - after inadequate solutions are implemented. Solution has been: just get around them, band-aide repairs rather than trying to find an actual fix.
It was easier - easy in fact - to notice lag that I experienced as a player & to see other players were experiencing both live as I was playing & from watching a replayed of hand.
Again: no need to change what previously worked OK: Another change that is not an improvement.
This is why replay should have made the transition to html5 a pure porting effort, making no changes in the UX until AFTER the transition from Flash was completed, and only then starting to make improvements to the tables. Non-technical people just can’t understand that Flash is a dead end and will not be supported after this year. Any inadequacy, real or perceived, is going to make some users cry for a reverse course that is not possible, and any difference in the way the new tables work is going to be perceived by some players as an inadequacy.
HTML5 is the only way forward. Sadly it still needs a lot of debugging and design fixes. Asking to go back to Flash just isn’t going to happen. Focus on finding bugs and reporting them in a way that will be useful to replay so they can fix them.
The four-color deck and blank cards should be fixed now, so please let us know if you still experience those issues. Try clearing your cache first if you still notice these bugs.
All your comments are being read, but I’ve highlighted the feedback in particular about animations just in case that is turning out to be a resource hog. Thanks for making these suggestions!
It pays out 20 tickets to 15 players. Higher finishing players get more tickets.
I hope that is what your comment is about, otherwise forgive me and ignore.
Exactly what Im saying. Coulda, shoulda, woulda - hindsight. Seemed like a simple/obvious plan of attack.
I know and have accepted for a long time - soon after HTML5 table intro - we are never going back to Flash tables. Thats not what Im asking or expecting. That expectation is more than unrealistic & unlikely - its almost impossible.
Not hard to arrive at that conclusion independently but yes also reading others posts too.
The new HTML5 tables should have tried to replicate the old tables OR as you said not changed the UX. The new platform HTML5 has created its own problems which would be expected. Adding additional & unnecessary changes to something that previously worked good on Flash just increases the chance that more problems, glitches & bugs will occur.
The new HTML5 tables have so many bugs, errors, glitches & inadequacies that are more than perceived but reported by many players. Some “inadequacies” at time are so extreme that the tables are in fact unplayable for periods of time.
There are also other fairly serious inadequacies too.
With so many serious “inadequacies” Im not even going to bother mentioning my perceived inadequacies, suggestions, preferences or minor improvements.
Currently RP are trying to implement a decent working table for HTML5. This has them so bogged down its hard for other problems they have unnecessarily introduced to get fixed. We as the players are more focused or distracted by the major problems to be able to think seriously about minor preferences/ improvements.
Why are some satellite tournaments paying chips as well as tickets again? I’ve seen this happen a number of times over the past year. Replay always says its a mistake and yet it keeps happening. 50K Satellite 9:45pm 3583349 paying 5 tickets +220K chips.
Well, just finished playing the Oceanic Regional League that I play every night. All the regulars I saw in the 20K were complaining about their experience on the new tables in the 7.5K tonight. I knew what to expect going in, but was amazed at the amount of problems occurring during the game.
I was watching a friend at another table, whose table only had 5 or 6 players, for about 10 minutes, while I had 8-9 players at my table. So rebalancing seems to still be an issue. Then I got moved to his table. My table became his, but I was not disconnected from the one I was watching, so I essentially ended up with 2 windows open showing the same table. I was able to chat and bet from either table, though I did notice the information showing was different on both tables (though both were wrong, if the lobby was correct). We were chatting and he asked what would happen if I checked “fold” on one table and “call” on the other as pre actions. I was short stacked and play these for the leaderboard, so I didn’t try, but I do wonder what would have happened.
I also noticed that the timer was running extremely fast for this game (Oceanic Wave). I play this game every night and have never had to act so quickly. It even said (fast) next to the name when the table was minimized. Considering the lag and how fast the timer was, I was sat out a couple times without ever getting buttons to act. I had automuck off, and never got the buttons to show my final hand (still doesn’t show losing all in hands all the time). All things considered, there was really no time to fashion a proper bet. All you had time for was hitting a button. I don’t know if all the 7.5K regionals became “fast” tables or not, but I would prefer the same amount of time as normal.
I agree that the new tables suck… but, change for the sake of change appears to be de rigueur here… Gotta be a ‘brit thing’… Did I mention that ‘the new tables suck’ ??? … I may have to go back to crossword puzzles …