If you read my leader board or past leader boards that are available in the tabs at bottom, you will note solid play from @gunslinger13 , awarded best average score last quarter, for consistent solid play, yes, he is LAG but mixes it up, solid final table appearances, similar to @Younguru without as many opportunity bets as Luke. I would have folded the 88 when he check raised me, based on past experiences with his style of play.
Agreed; Slinger = super solid, selective aggression, applies pressure relentlessly without overbluffing too much, shows up with some sneaky strong value hands.
Bang bang!
If this belongs in the tournament victories, bad beat thread, please feel free to move it. The reason why posting it here is its a hand history, and I am 1. Trying to figure out how to post a hand history.
Yes its a semi example of a semi bad beat, and of the LOTS of hands like these that have been happening during the above mentioned bad run, but it was easy to find, save, post, in order to try to figure out how to post a hand history.
I dont get why the very high ranked, about 3300 ranked player was calling about a 2300 chip, 5.5 bb TIGHT preflop raise over 200/400 bb’s, over 2 limpers, with T8 suited garbage, with a about a 10k to 12,500, to 15,000 to 17, 000 vs my about 9k TIGHT stack with just only T8 suited garbage, and then why called all in on a 33% to win flush draw on a 7000 into 5000, 5500, 6000, 6300 pot, only getting about 1.65 to 1, 1.75 to 1, 1.85 to 1 pot odds, vs SEEMING TIGHT BUT, but I guess that even very high ranked players can be semi fish too at times.
Now to see if can figure out how to post the Hand History:
Hmm, I dont see a copy paste, insert hand history file option, when click all the mouse buttons. I saved the hand history, and then I tried to highlight hand history and save to clipboard to be copy pasted later. And then I right clicked mouse button on Hand History to then save, download hand history file, and despite all that, not seeing a way to post the Hand History, even though I have tried various things to post the hand history hand.
Guess I can’t post the hand history hand for now.
But I will post this here in case someone can help me post the hand history hand
Ok, finally figured out how to post the Hand History. I had to right click, then click share, then click copy link, then click reply, then right click in post field, and then click paste copied link.
My summary above was slightly off, but was close, and was close enough.
They limped from early position. That should tell you far more than their ranking.
You can just copy/paste the URL for the hand from your browser.
I will post the hand histories the way I figured it out, as described above, over the way you suggest as its easier, or easier for me that way.
As for the player open limping early position like you say telling more then their ranking, then their ranking, I on semi rare occasions will open limp hands like QJ suited, KJ suited, 44, 55, 66, A8 suited, A9 suited, in early position, UTG, UTG+1, UTG +2, MP1, etc, depending on tournament, table, players, situation, nuances, stage of tourny, blinds, stack sizes, comparative stack sizes, etc, and I am not a fish, donk, low ranked, etc, player.
That player could be like me as far as whether them open limping early determines if they are low ranked or not, etc, if dont see the hand history, and dont know them as a player. If one didnt know me, theoretically they could technically, theoretically, extremely rarely possibly think I am a fish, donk, low ranked player, etc, by me open limping, early on rare occasions early, if they thought like you, etc. That’s why should not go by whether they open limp early, unless have other stuff to back that up like them being lower ranked, or them open limping a lot, early position a lot, etc.
They didn’t open limp in early position a lot, and only open limped early position, 1,2,3 times during the about 2,3,4,5 blinds orbits they were at the table, and until that hand they played pretty ok, semi decently, semi good, etc, and it totally shocked me, caught me off guard, etc, that they played that hand semi badly, like a lower ranked semi fish, as I am, or usually am semi very observant semi most of the time, etc.
But maybe its a case where a higher ranked, decent, semi solid, ok, semi good, etc, player temporarily played like a lower ranked player, semi fish at that time, etc.
I dont know why that very high ranked player played like a semi fish at that time, hand, limp wise, calling preflop wise, and maybe even the debateable, questionable call postflop wise, etc.
Maybe they were tilting, etc, because maybe they were semi card dead, etc, who knows, etc. But whatever it was, is, I don’t think it was because they open limped early, as a sign of being a probable lower ranked semi fish to fish.
Using ranking only has limited value, snowman has same ranking as gunslinger, and is at the top of the LB, you are new to this site but clearly have some experience elsewhere, we are trying to help you, insulting a player in my league for making your head spin is not helping your cause, ( perhaps saying he is a tricky one rather than calling him a fish like you are better than him may be appropriate) it only took me a couple games with gunslinger to know exactly how he plays. Your internet, book knowledge of poker, GTO and studies are great but will not beat exploitative play. The ability to make your decision-making process stutter is what good players do, that is exactly why he is so good, I have been playing poker for over 40 years successfully, I have seen every type of player, from poker theory aficionados, number crunchers to pure instinct players and everything in between. You can break this down until the cows come home, but good players only learn by exposure to those that win consistently. GTO is like investing in the stock market but only buying slow growth stocks, risk reward is low. Get out of defense mode and study exploitive play, mix up your style, and you will see results.
I am confused as to why people are overly explaining this spot?
This is a shove pre.
We’ve been discussing different hands to the original post. One post seems to have disappeared from the thread, which is why it’s confusing.
Ok lmao gotcha!
I was thrown aback as to why so much discussion over a shove pre spot lol
Rain, It’s not just internet, book knowledge, PURE GTO(I dont play PURE GTO), studies, I have been playing offline, LIVE at casinos since 2005, for 19 years, in $17 to $60 tournament buy in’s, 70 player tournaments, where I cashed about 120 to 125 to 130 out of 300 $17 to $60 tourny buy ins, 70 player tournaments. Now 1 does not do that by only being a book learner, PURE GTO player version of a legal semi solver, bot. And I am a heck of a exploitative player both offline, online. Just ask Guru, Lilihui, as they would probably say that I am slightly just barely more exploitative then GTO, and that I am a mix of both Exploitative, GTO both, and use both about equally. And I have been playing online for about 19 years. Now I have played some of the best player’s in the WSCOOP(WORLD SERIES OF ONLINE POKER CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES, sponsored by WSOP, WPT, Poker Stars, etc), (against players like SHAUN DEEB, SON of PRO FREEDY DEEB types of players), and have played some of the better, extremely tough players at both Poker Stars, AND here at Replay, other sites, etc, over the last 19 years.
And my decision process wasn’t stuttering, didnt have melt down, etc, especially against the player that played against in Valhalla’s chosen, because even tho he was constantly calling every preflop raise, and check reraising all in, over me postflop 4 times in row. Lilihui, Guru, both say I semi probably had to call, and semi probably was right to call with 88, vs that board, board texture, according to likely ranges by both of us. Even about 1, 2 of the players at the table in the Valhalla’s chosen even endorsed me as a pro, 1,2 times in the tourny, despite the semi earlier bust out withn, on the 88 hand. By Calling, I was both Exploiting, and GTOing, the KT player at the same time, because KT’s likely range, as Lilihui, and Guru said, that KT, just happened to have, wake up with KT that hand.
As far as whether breaking down the hand history will help or not, your right that good player learn by exposure, but disagree think your wrong about how breaking down hand histories won’t help. And like I have said I have had LOTS of exposure to semi extremely good players.
I am NOT a TIGHT BUT NIT in DEFENSE mode. It may appear that way at times. That’s because LATER POSITIONALLY speaking I can be, am extremely wide at times. I’m talking about 54 suited, 64 suited, 65 suited, K5,K6 suited, etc, WIDE, from the SB, BUTTTON, CUTOFF, HI JACK, MP2, WIDE, and Kondrad, Guru, Lilihui, etc, have either seen me play that wide, mix up my game, style, and seen me post summaries of hand histories, where Lilihui actually found, posted about 2 extremely EPIC, MASSIVE BLUFFS. Now UTG, UTG+1, UTG +2, 9 handed, I am TIGHTER but still either raise or 2.5 x raise, or on semi rare occasions raise or limp, when, if have, get A8 suited, A9 suited, AT suited, AT, A9, KJ suited, QJ suited, 55, 66, 77.
So I do mix up my game, style, play, study exploitative, and GTO, at same time