I played weel all day,followed my plan!! yay i get ower a million chips,change for you guys but good for me,why dont you stand when you have done it no you shall go for the big 500K and lose
i am happy have more chips than i started the day but why!!! not easy to stop play! How do you do?
How do I stop playing? Good thing I have family that needs me or I might not stop! I do have other hobbies as well as many, many chores. I hope you have variety in your life, too, Kondrad, that will pull you from the tables before you lose your stash!
For me, it’s harder to stay than go. I only play tournaments, because I know I will be getting up
4 or 5 times an hour. I get bored very easily. Today I was play 7card hi/lo. I won, but it almost killed me. The darn game lasted just short of 3 hours. By the last table I was ready to quit.
I know though, that if Replay was giving me perfect hands again and again, that if I left, she would not be so kind next time.
There’s a little X in the upper right corner of each table and page. Whenever I want to go, I just click it.
Is this a trick question?
Hahahahhaha! Hahahahhaahhahaa!!!
Where’s the little x in my will power control box? That’s the real question.
Nothing a little gin and tonic can’t fix
Geen alcohol of tijdklok ,ik vind het gewoon leuk om te spelen , en stop gewoon . soms krijg ik bezoek , moet ik uit, er is altijd wel wat waarom ik moet stoppen. Kijk vaak met welke ik eerder heb gespeeld, soms lijken het net oude vrienden, die voorbij komen.Het blijft voor mij genieten, mijn speelnaam is roet. Mijn roepnaam Will hartelijke groet aan iedereen en veel speel plezier.
No alcohol or time clock, I just like to play, and just quit. sometimes I get visitors, I have to go out, there is always something why I have to stop. I often look with which ones I have played with before, sometimes it looks like old friends passing by, it continues to enjoy for me, my playing name is soot. My call sign Will warm greetings to everyone and have fun playing.