I would like to bring up a topic! Gambling addiction! It is a sensitive subject but important to address !! I’m addicted to gambling! What’s your story? Replay has helped me curb my demons! Have lost the entire salary and more, but have always paid the rent first! Now I do not have that problem anymore, but you want to play for real money, but you know that you will lose, of course you win but you lose more than you win if you are not a miracle! Just wanted to bring up the subject if anyone wanted to lighten their heart so maybe I can help you or you me !!!
Hugs to all!!! From heart!!!
good honest post… I relate to what you are saying, by far means I cant say I can help you but I am happy to share my very long story with you which might help… for now please always remember that demon is there and will never go away, but what you can do is own that and then life becomes normal and it really does
Pm me and will share but don’t think here on the forum is the right space…
And Kondrad you said it from the Heart, I tip my hat and please have a moment and see how amazing that is
Tiggs xxx
Thank you Tiggy!!!
One of my court-appointed doctors suggested that I might have a gambling problem, but he was unwilling or unable to prove it, even when I offered him 3-2 odds that he couldn’t.
All i can say is THIS is the place to cure it lol…i mean the winning part
Such a sad topic. Prayers for recovery from this demon.
Thank you Craig!!
Stay strong Johan
Addictions are a terrible thing for sure but i believe if you have ans addiction even play money should be off limits.Drinking near beer is no good for someone with alcohol addiction,at least that’s what i’ve been told about a close relative who has addiction problems. I hope you overcome yours Kondrad!
Thank you Colby!
very interesting but even sad story. Thank you Kondrad <3
Replay Poker is a great way to avoid losing money and fingers gambling
Yes Kondrad, You can do it, myself and others have Faith in you
I make $600.00 per week playing hold’em for real money, (Give or take) But I always win more than I started with. I’m not saying it’s not a grind. I can understand what you are saying as I was married to a degenerate Gambler. She was probably the most luckiest Slot player I have ever seen but she could not walk away after a big score, EVER. She would give it all back and then some. Then I would have to deal with her mood swings. Gambling is something you have to control or it will eat you alive like you are saying. Know when to walk away.
That is the big problem, not knowing how to stay when you have won !!! Now I no longer play with money, it is not worth it, if you are not really good at setting a budget and quitting after it is over! But for many, I think it’s difficult and as I was when I was at my worst, I could win 50,000 Swedish kronor, it’s two months’ salaries, had I invested SEK 1,000 I stopped? No! When you win and you feel completely blank, you do not think, strange! You bet again and you lose again! Never for me with money again! Hope you have it under control, do not play for money you do not have! Set a budget !! Never play with the money you would have for rent, food, etc !!! I’m soon free from ■■■■ !! Wonderful that Replay exists, play for free, but still get the feeling and it is a different community than when it comes to real money !! So if you feel that you have problems with games, get help !!! There is help to be had !!!
Cant be addiction if you control it,or as Sport bet you already know some infos about the team and the Strategy so there is higher chance to win in this type of Bet, sadly its hard in Cards to tell
A post that will make your life easier…
I gamble very often, but not because I am addicted, but because I have often won. I don’t brag about this, I’m sorry, I read stories and I understand that I’m still lucky. I want to say one thing, making a bet, you give yourself hope for a good life, you need to donate moderately and not to your detriment, and then you will be fine.
Initially, I also lost often, even when I was in college. Then I got a job in the police and there was a moment when the salary came and I lost it all sitting in the shower. I realized then that you need to keep yourself in hand when you play with a cold mind, there are more chances to win. My friend won about $4,000 by pawning his car. It was the day of Conor McGregor’s fight with Khabib Nurmagomedov. And there are a lot of examples for good bets, just before you make a bet, you need to do a little analysis …
Good luck to everyone, hugged! :сердцебиение: