How can i change my user name?

I want to change my user name from calinhall to something else. Adrew of your staff was going to help me but I have had no reply .Thanks for any help you can give Calvin hollett

Andrew : You wrong a tad-bit here Andrew . ( no-no I dont speak about your picture, needs update thet big time :)))


Im here to support all weekends , Not this case ofc. But thets something? right?

calinhall : Im just curious… why? If you dont mind… ofc

Marcipan, I meant for the support email address. Thankfully we have you and the other moderators to help with other issues on the site site all week, but the support email takes a break on the weekends :slight_smile:

your support team sucks!! been trying to change me user name for weeks with no responds

Can you tell why you want to change it?


When I clicked email support it went to windows live. That isn’t the email I use

Good I changed my name back to what it should be

What opens when you click an email link on a website depends on how your browser is configured to deal with an email link. I believe you can easily change what opens in the settings page of the browser. I suggest a quick google search to find out the solution for the version of the browser you’re using.

i have the same request, how can i change my user name?

Send an email to - along with the username you want to change it to. Also check first to make sure it’s available (try doing a search for that username).

thank you for your support. :slight_smile:

Hi Calin,

I’ve responded to your emails that you’ve sent. Unfortunately we don’t currently have weekend support so all messages are responded to on weekdays. Please respond back via email so we can get your username changed over :slight_smile: