Highest rank now > 500k

I saw today first time a player rank > 500k:


I’m sure this is a welcome info for many, and post it here. I can remember one year ago was the highest rank ~320k. It looks like the site gets very fast new players. A half million active members now, wow.

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Membership has been higher in the recent past >1.5 million if I recall correctly, then the big purge of inactive accounts brought it down to around 350k.

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I also have noticed in the past year, our new Replay Members are advancing very fast. I believe the latest replay promotions and variety’s of games and platforms, have been great contributor for the quick advancements. Keep up advancing your rank, to all players and always have fun doing so.

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The “lucky starting hand” thread has absolutely exploded in the last couple of days. There’s a lot of players who just joined posting, so I’m guessing there must have been some sort of social media promotion recently.

2.5 months later, and > 113,000 new members, > 600k now.


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2.5 months later, > 700,000 members now


4.5 months later

I saw 3 months ago ranks > 760k, but now:

One hour after playing his last hand, sure the highest rank.

4:00am ET, not very many players:

