CONTEST - Share a memorable moment on Replay Poker!

Hey, everyone! It’s time for our August contest, where you could win 100k! We’d like to know:

What was a memorable moment you’ve had on Replay Poker?

Need some examples to jog your memory?

  • A huge pot win - share the hand with us!
  • A victory against a challenging rival.
  • Busting a staff member.
  • Winning a competitive promotion.
  • Meeting a new friend.
  • Beating a good friend. :wink:
  • Learning something after a tough loss.

Whatever it is, we’d love to hear it!

Winners will all receive 100,000 chips, just for participating!

As with some of our other recent contests, we’ll draw five winners, but if we get more than 100 unique responses, we’ll up your odds by having ten winners! This contest will end on August 26th.

Players will be selected randomly, but we’ll be choosing some of our favorites answers for an upcoming blog post. If yours is chosen, we’ll offer you 50,000 chips as thanks for taking the time to share your big moments with us! We’ll reach out upon publication.

Thanks for sharing, and good luck!


I have a few moments that stand out , First was actually finding this site after trying many.
2nd was making new friends , some of who will be friends for life.
3rd was when I made my first million.
4th was when I started my own league
5th was when I realized a friend was not a friend , not a good memory , but memorable none the less.
6th and final memorable moment was winning this years RTC Promotion with two of my closest friends.


In the 2019 RTC grand finals, my team beat Grapevine’s team by 1 point. :slight_smile:


I am having goodtimes playing poker to meet many friends win 100k


Its soooo funny to me watching people get so upset and dogging each other out when they get rivered or get beat on a hand they think they should have won with and its only play chips. LOL

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Jouez Jouez braves gens ! :kissing_heart:
Play play good people :kissing_heart:

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I have a few. When i set up a private table & invited my sisters to play. We all had a great time. I have won a few tournaments that make me pretty proud. I have met so many nice people many i admire very much. I’m glad my friend sent me a link to join, i have enjoyed every minute of it !!


A memorable moment was just this moment seeing Sharon Smarty refer to me as one of her “closest friends.” Other memorable moments are all related to finding great friends (you know who you are!) and also finally learning to play an exciting game without suffering incontinence. lol


First I have to thank you for being there Replay !!! I slipped into this site by mistake, had never played poker before, just with friends for fun, did not know what poker was! I got stuck, love poker now, such a beautiful game !!! Luck, skill, cunning, knowledge, yes you need everything to go far in the tournaments !! I have won millions, lost millions, I get happy when someone else does something good on the table! Received a lot of help from other players, the community is beautiful here !!! My biggest moment in my poker career was actually during RTC first round, a player I have never beaten in 2 years, that feeling beat :slight_smile: So thank you Replay and all the poker players, thank you for giving so much, thank you for teaching me the game and help me get better !!! Poker rules !!!


My most memorable moment on Replay Poker, was when I played together with my wife’s son and my wife’s boyfriend and I end up winning first place. The victory was specially memorable because I was having a bad day after my wife made me sell all of my funko pop collection, so I was pretty happy about that win.


Meeting so many nice people ,also the staff you have are great , Im so happy I have poker early in the morning …Thank you Relay poker .


I have a few of these if you want one …lol


My favorite thing about replay poker is the friends I have met. The best thing I believe replay poker has done was to install seven card stud. I love is game as I was raised on it and it is so hard to find any more since holdem has taken over. It bring back memories of going to Vegas to play with the friends I met there 20 or so years ago. Thank you Replay poker


I am a terrible player, so anytime I make it to the break…it is a memorable moment. Love playing here and when I happen to get in the chips it is definitely memorable!! Play as often as my computer will let me. Lots of loss of signal and power in my rural area. Keep up the good work of keeping the old folks entertained so well!!!


Learning something after a tough loss loosing a full house to a four of a kind


well mine is over a year or more i started playing on this site and noticed a few stood out…I talked all kinds of off the wall ■■■■ and finally caught the attention of a few player’s… Sonic1…Sharon S… finally accepted my friend request…the only one I had a hard time with …Satchy Paul…I knew I drove him up a wall but after I proved I could play a little bit he finally became my friend too…Rock on folks.

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When I was recruited to be a Donk in Badonk’s Donks League. Where I have met so many very nice people from all over the world and become friends Also I have improved my game tenfold while being member.


My first live poker experience was playing cash games in a casino. I was a bit nervous. I was acting out of turn, making wrong bet/raise sizing. I hid my cards on accident a couple times. I would lose value because of not being comfortable playing live or not being able to keep track of the pot size etc.

After a while I got more comfortable and started to play more smoothly. It’s a difference experience playing live instead of online. I feel that it gets more easier the more you play live though!

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My most memorable moment was when I was named a Replay Poker Player Representative. Helping the community one person at a time :+1:t2:


Biggest memory was coming in 2nd on a 15 K tourney. I’ve won tourneys, but that was the best I’ve done on a larger tourney.