So Fizzy,
It takes staff less than 15 minutes , to add 1 button and link it to the forum…
Even if its only for sheets/giggles , you’d see the direct impact if any over 30-60 days… after that if its not helping, then just delete the button. I keep hearing " we are doing this big project, and all of out team’s time is spoken for "… really 15 minutes ???
You have players doing your job basically, getting out infront of a problem “we see on a daily basis”. I know for a fact in another thread I described a re-do of the Dashboard page to address this and other issues, and got the stock reply " we are considering many suggestions like this for our new upgrade/update, but will not be making any changes ahead of that "…
In general, yes I get it 10 different 15 minute thingies… is 2.5 hours… god forbid meaningfull changes , in such a short period, would occur… when the “new update” is months and months in the making… What better way to see whats good for the new update, than minor tweaks that could all be done in a couple hrs, let alone just 1 day… I could see Shakeraise telling Fizzy or another person… “Take 1 day off, clear your mind of this update rollout… here’s a list of 15 min fixes, can you take care of these for me.” …
A teacher once told me, as far as multiple screen menus go… keep each page smaller than the screensize… for easy and speed of use…
When I gave Replay a suggestion for the dashboard, it was based on what prolly the ave screensize still in use, but alot of ppl never scroll, therefore prolly never see the thingy on the forums… I stay off the dashboard page as much as possible due to it lags me out, as it does many other players. Another topic was about MTTs canceling, and I went to the Dashboard to see what MTTs were currently being advertized… that 1 MTT that had 2 minutes to get 2 more ppl so it didn’t cancel, was NOT advertized on the dashboard as 1 of the 3 shown… go figure… So what is the use of the dashboard page in the 1st place ?? … If I’m not on a “dead page” due to playing, 90% of the time I’m on 1 of the 3 lobby pages, and other than logg’n in, I’m never on the dashboard page. The only usefull yet poorly implemented button, is if you get dumped from Replay, log back in, and need to get back to your table fast… then those buttons for that on the dashboard page are helpfull…
( @ Craig, the dropdown on the rightside gives great navigation, but is a dropdown, not a nav bar so not visible 100% of the time… is that what you mean so ppl have to see it all the time?? )
Yes I agree, but the difference between a button 200x100 pixels, and one 160x80… means that on any given row or column, you save space elsewhere for necessary things… Marc is right , I have a 1/3rd of the page between “promotions” and the search thingy, but here again… it could be as simple as “font size” from say 18 to 16, something that doesn’t diminish from the overall look but makes things much more functional… that right there gives you space for the word “Forum”…
Come back in 2 hrs, I’ll have a great pic for everyone on this issue.