hello, I would love to see a place where we could go in to post where people need our prayers, and support. I realize that this may not be for everyone, but for those that would like to know when some one has passed or is ill would be great. The forum is nice but not for this. Thanks, gopo
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great idea gopo i like this u got my vote
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Thanks for your suggestion gopo. We’ve thought about creating a regular forum for members to use for more general discussion and where a post of this nature you describe would certainly be more appropriate than these support forums. It’s not likely to happen until next year but if a lot of players want the ability to chat with other players about poker or anything they like, then we’ll definitely reprioritise it.
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Hi Gopo,
great idea, I like it too. Count me in.
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I think it’s a great idea. At this time I know we have several people that are regular players that could use everyone’s prayers. Player and Rabbit are 2 of them.
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