in Slow Play :
A time clock is provided for every player on every hand of poker.
Intentionally running out the clock slows the game and makes the experience unpleasant and painfully boring for all players.
in Poor Gamesmanship :
This may include strategies that disrupt the natural flow of the game and are frustrating for fellow players, such as “bingo” play.
I find both of these rules, almost uninforce-able, mostly laughable, and prolly written by a Lawyer. While there are specific cases where these help… in general, the spirit of these rules, are almost never inforced.
Lets take the slo play thingy… when most players take 1-3 seconds, then 1 player takes the full clock ( 20 seconds ) it can feel like an eternity, now take 9 ppl doing it, and 1 street could take 3 full minutes, and 1 hand could take 9 minutes… sure thats the extreme, but its just as disruptive to have 2 ppl constantly using all the clock ( legally ) at a table. Some ppl have watched Chris Furguson, and think its kewl to use all the clock, every time… its NOT.
As for the Sportsmanship thingy… ya know, disrupting other ppls play thru legal,covert,obvert, and every other way possible is part of poker. Knock them off thier game, easier to play yours… If you don’t like an ALL-IN don’t play freak’n No-Limit … We all know why this clause is in there, but its irrational and uninforce-able… in the sprit its written.
When I saw this in another post I almost went berzerk, then I was @ a table… now just follow along with this train of thought…
Buyin was 50k - 200k, it was a Omaha HiLo table ( Ring ), and after a few hands I notice a high ranked player making dumb big raises pre-flop ( a person with 125m or 620x the max buyin for the table )… And I thought of this rule… While currently perfectly legal, its as disruptive or more, to have players playing way below thier bankroll level, and making very loose plays… Should we consider this against CoC ?? by definition it is, but even I don’t agree it should be punishable. I believe there should be bankroll restricted Ring/SnG/MTTs offered to balance out this fact, but not restrict players with a site wide rule of bankroll restrictions.
Replay would have to re-work timers to fix this, even tho I made the perfect suggestion in a prior post and Frustrating your opponents is a great way to get them to “crack” and dump alot of chips or bust outta a MTT/SnG. The wider world is moving to a damn “thought police” mentality and I for 1 am sick of it.
Poker by its very nature, lends itself to exploitative tactics and ultimate adaptation to your opponents. Eliminate these and its not poker anymore…