Cards disappearing during play

I have only seen this recently this past week. Happened a few times last night. someone times its your hole cards and sometimes its the flop cards. They show back up if you refresh the page, but that is distracting to say the least. Not sure anyone else is having this problem, but it might just be my issue. tourney play is what I am referring to.

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I’ve not seen it at all personally, but that is quite worrying. Playing poker without seeing the cards is like driving with a blindfold on.


Gus Hansen sometimes played hands without looking at his cards. Wouldn’t advise it, though.


It’s something I certainly wouldn’t attempt, but if it could work anywhere, it would work on Replay lol.


I haven’t see that issue Howie, however the missing cards and hand results, when someone goes all in does still exist at times. They are also seen if the hand is replayed. GL at the tables


this is the exact issue i had last week Howie - cleared my browser data/ histories etc and turned off/on my safe web extensions -not happened since - hope the suggestion helps


Yes. It happened multiple times this morning in 2 different Freerolls.

I haven’t had this problem, what browser are you using? And ty for the suggestion @Redcloud203 . It does sound like a overload of RAM probably caused by the amount of cookies the browser allows.

This is still happening. More now than ever. I don’t know how I can prove it at this point, but something needs to be looked at. Check out the Freerolls at 12:45 and 1;45 to see it first hand. Probably will need to play in the tourney to see it. Please fix.

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Happened again in both Freerolls I played. Later I played a few ring game hands and also a 2.5K ticket tourney and saw no problem with this at all. So…it must something to do with with the freerolls tourneys.


Just wondering, which browser are you using? Do you see any other issues on other websites or just on here?

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Just on here


It’s not a browser problem. It was posted that it’s a google server problem.

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Well I haven’t experienced such issues on my end, and hardly anybody else is saying they are too. Hence why it may be on Howie’s end.

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We’ve been experiencing similar problems and more in league games and we’re reimbursed chips.

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I updated my laptop yesterday and still had thew same issue.

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@Howie_Long The problem has been happening for awhile & from my experience when someone goes all in. If you replay the hand you will see the cards. Replay is aware of the problem but it may help by contacting with the hand number it happened to you. Hopefully they will see a delay at that time with the google server, which may help resolve their problem.

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I believe we probably use the same browser, my friend which has helped in many ways to block out other issues, however I believe this is definitely a server issue and hope any information we can share with support will help resolve the problem.


There’s a client bug for tournament play, if someone is to be changing tables after the hand ends the river and the showdown are skipped. Been like this for a while.

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Yes another example of server error’s

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