Can't play poker. I am shouting, need help

still can’t get a connection at any of the games. still not solved, three days now without being able to join any table game. starting to have poker withdrawals.

No need to shout. It wont fix things any faster.

Fixed. :slight_smile:

The problem is solved? Please confirm. rick is right. Staff members work on the site 5 day a week. Reporting the problem is good, thank you.

Since molene hasn’t replied I’m marking this topic as solved.

Mr Paul Gould, My name is John Bourgois and i went to 7-11 and tryed buying 4 million chips for $150.00 on 11-23-12.All the previous times(14 to be exact) alls i had to do was to take the paynearme card along with the cash up to the cashier and she put the card thru the register and told me i would be alset by the time i got home.This time however we went thru two cards and niether one was excepted into the computer.The only think she could think of was go home and try to find some kind of code that could be entered along with her cards which i couldn’t find anywhere and not only that i couldn’t find the area on the site where they showed all the different cards that you could use like it did in the past 13 times looking them up.I have no idea why the site has been changed (at least on my computer),I’m positive the site is different that it was and i have no idea if this is what is causing this not to load the chips properly.Please mr Gould if there is anything you can do for me,i’ve spent at least 3 hours on this now not to mention the 14 amounts of money i have invested in this site up to now.My email is and/or rottenman641@yahoo,com for replay poker. Also my cell # is 586 718-2278 and my home is 586 978-0412.Just in case you have any quick ideas that could get me running.Time after this long is of no concern so call anytime you think you may have an answer to the problem.One thing that gets me is usually when i sign on the replay home page it has an area where it shows me which cards i can use and now i can’t seem to find that anyway and i have no idea nor did the person i talked to on the phone.He seemed to think like i was banned or something but i told him that was out of the question and he had no other ideas.He did say he was going to email you and have you call me or email (calling would be best) to see if you could shed some light on the problem.I’m just hopin after all the money i have invested in this site that i can get it running again.So any help you can give me i’d be eternally gratefull and hopefully the sooner the better .I hate to bother you again but i’ve never seen anything go this bad before to where the site nor the store had any idea what could be wrong.So i’m very much hopin you may have an idea on what could be wrong.Thanks for your time.JOHN BOURGOIS.TUESDAY.10-13-2012.6:38PM.