Badonk's Donks Stables Social Chat

The warlord has spoken. I think Naffy has a “feel” for the league and is a good people person, kudos to BW. Changes were needed and changes were made, I respect that, Silvers will have to step their game and from what I have heard some are ready for the challenge, Good luck Silvers, give them your best and if that is not good enough…DIG DEEPER!!!


tyvm always a pleasure to see u @ the tables ! you,re the BEST !

Digger, a belated congratulations to you. Welcome to the club.

Hello Donks. I want to say that I feel honored that BW is willing to let me give this a shot but by no means I want to be a single main organizer. I hope BW will stay in the role, if some of us can take over enough of the tasks to help out. Thank you for the players that reached out and offered help. I have been here for over 2 years and not going anywhere. If BW would completely step down after Q2 I would imaging not running the whole thing by myself but with my Donk friends. I listen to ideas but I do not want to lose either of the 4 games. Lets move on to a new year and lets see how this big Donk league will do in Q1.
Also please welcome our newest recruits @Bulldawg1310 and DirtyDozen722 to our Donk family.
We will pause recruiting for a little until we see where the league goes. Please remember that our last game this year is on the 27th, There are no games on the 31st. You all go party and celebrate the new year! :partying_face: Have a nice holidays everybody!


I think you will do great, it is not as easy task, and I don’t think BW would have chosen you if he didn’t feel confident you were up for the task. Whatever roll you take on.
Here are a few things I have learned as a league organizer from some of the most successful here.
1- Hire a complaint department manager (that was from @SharonSmarty )
2- Respond to everyone’s concerns with an open mind.
3- Hire a very good-looking public relation person (I am busy so you will have to choose second-best good-looking person)
4- Create a fun atmosphere even with the acritude types, they may become good friends in time.
5- Chat like a mofo
6- Don’t be afraid to ask other league organizers for help, I personally will help in any way I can, including promoting/recruiting for your league in mine.
7- Don’t be afraid to speak your mind as long as you are on the right side of rules, morals and what’s best for your league.
8th and most important always let me win when we are heads up. :crazy_face:


I dont use this site often and tried to reply to this message…I dont know where the message went to…its out there there in the ether somewhere. sorry. En brief I said congrats, you will do great and wish I could help. confirming that games are all at the same time…and voiced concern over games lasting 3+ hours given the number of players. I also mentioned that someones comment about Silvers needing to step up their game was rather haughty. I seen the Golds play and have played with them. Nothing new there…good play is good play…great cards at just the right times wins the day…Good luck all. And I wish I could help, but I dont have the bandwidth and am a very sick person. (not mentally, just physically - lolz)


Sorry to hear about your health issues gear, I have enjoyed gaming with you. I hope the new year brings you better health and prosperity, thank you for participating in the league, it must be difficult for you if you are not well, but I hope it gives you some comfort to play in the league and enjoy the good company. Best wishes to you!


Hi team, long time no post! :slight_smile:
I like a lot of what Norris has posted, with exception of more games rather than less. Great idea about having one team rather than tiers (Silver, Gold etc).
100K - no problem, at least in my case.
And lastly, and most importantly, the requirement to play certain number of games IMO is the biggest hold back for the league. If there was no such requirement, I’d join and play whenever possible. IMO, having good players join tourneys should be a top goal. The points garnered within the league should be secondary to good poker players playing against good players. So requirement to play certain % of games is just an obstacle. I wouldn’t care to make any lists, any rankings within the league but would love to join and play, hang out from time to time. And maybe some of you would care to see me at the tables, regardless if I am collecting points toward some league ranking or not? Either way, glad that the league is still going and people are working to make things better! Happy NY to all!


I would like to point out one rather impressive accomplishment that sorta blew me away when I saw it last night. Check out @Boricua25 stat line for this quarter’s Silver Composite. 26 games played 8 wins and 1 second for his top nine scores. That’s over a 30% win percentage this quarter. I really hate to see a player like that exit the league. Bori can rub people the wrong way at time, but he is always chatting and always playing and teaching alot and has tried to make this league better. I nominate him as Donk of the Month and hope he reconsiders staying.


Thank you very, very much for the compliment southwest, especially coming from a strong player like yourself. yes, I have been very lucky this quarter and it has been a pleasure gaming with a great group of people/players. Less than 5 people know that when I am at the table, I have a poker persona that is very different from my real life persona. As I mentioned in a post before, it is nothing personal, I like to talk smack at the table to have some fun but some people take it the wrong way, I have been accused of been a narcissist but I am NOT! From what I understand they don’t have Donk of the month anymore and if they did my achievements this quarter would merit a consideration but my “narcissistic” side at the table would not :slight_smile: I have accepted some projects at work that require much more of my time and I would not be able to play this quarter. The only league that I will be participating in is the Nordic warriors because of the caliber of players and the excellent job _Rain_or the commander as I like to call him is doing, he really cares about his league and players as his personal touch to each recap of the tourneys show as well as his interactive presence at the games. I will be returning to the Donks in the future(if they allow me) but for now, the best of luck to the Silvers in the unified league. My hope is that one of the silvers take the composite board for the coming quarter( aim HIGH). So long for now and again Thank you very, very much southwest you are a class act as well as a strong player!


Winning 8 times is an awesome achievement regardless of tier. You are a unique man @Boricua25, but one I can easily relate to. Wish you the very best of luck in whatever you plan to do and hope you come back.


Thank you very much john, yes, I have been called 'unique" many times before and I take it as a compliment :slight_smile: I trust that you will tell it as it is and not sugar coat anything if things are not running well at the unified Donk league as you are a straight shooter I respect that, By the way, I won 9 games this quarter the reason that win is not listed in the top 9 is that the 2nd place finish was worth more points…GGGRRRR…not that I am keeping score or anything of the sort LOL!!! Take care my friend!


Thank you @Boricua25 for the nice words, I am glad that @southwestmba put your numbers up there, some people don’t pay attention to those boards, but I do, I wished I could have played more in the Donks, but I have time constraints like a lot of people.

You are a top-notch player. I have enjoyed every game played with you, win or lose, it’s always a good time. Congratulations on finishing out the quarter with some very impressive numbers, you can call it luck if you want but I play with you, I know it’s not luck it’s skill with a dash of luck. I will not comment on your table persona, I knew you were a good guy when I first met you, not my first rodeo.

I would also like to give some recognition to a couple other players @TheMick and @Blitzcreek for their fantastic composite finishes with playing only a third of the games very impressive numbers.


Thank you very much commander, I have also enjoyed our battles at the table and will continue to do so at the Nordic league! Your numbers are impressive as well, 6th on the composite board with only 19 games and 2nd on the 7PM leader board, not bad!
Congrats to Themick and Blitzcreek(one of my favorites) as well, well done gentlemen!
To those who want to know wassup…I’ll be at the Nordic Warriors league, the water is warm and we have new shinny armor that we would like to try out and if the armor is a bit too much is all good, they can come off, we are highly trained on hand to hand combat as well!


ty, my friend ! Happy New Year !

2023 Q4 Donks League Awards

This message has also been posted (in a slightly more detailed version) in our League Results and Updates thread:

2023 Q4 Awards

The forth quarter of 2023 has come to a close and I’d like to thank everyone for participating in our tournaments.

I’m happy to announce the Donks League Champions of 2023 Q4. The winners of the five leaderboards (Wed 3PM, Wed 9PM, Sun 3PM, Sun 7PM, and Composite) receive a virtual crown and are inducted into the Hee Hawl of Fame.


2023 European and American Annual Championships
It is my pleasure to announce the results of the 2nd European and American Annual Championships. The European Annual Championship is based on all regular Wednesday 3PM and Sunday 3PM games in a calendar year, while the American Annual Championship is based on all regular Wednesday 9PM and Sunday 7PM games.

European Annual Championship American Annual Championship
Champion -BlackWidow- nafffy
Second Place ruderracing TireGuy
Third Place Konrad LOVELAKELIVIN

@BlackWidow has won a 2nd Ring of Flames by winning the European Annual Championship. Congratulations to be the first back to back champion.

@nafffy has won a Ring of Flames by winning the American Annual Championship.

@nafffy and @BlackWidow are now entitled to wear a custom Ring of Flames award:

Golden Donks Composite Wed 3PM Wed 9PM Sun 3PM Sun 7PM
Champion :crown:theweasle :crown:digger66: crown:TireGuy :crown:-BlackWidow-:crown:theweasle
Second Place TireGuy Josianne nafffy NorthEndPhil Dorkupine
Third Place -BlackWidow- bopflop LOVELAKELIVIN Snitty Josianne

Cogratulations to

Golden Donks

*:crown: -BlackWidow- has won one Golden crowns.

*:crown: :crown: theweasle has two one Golden crown and earned induction into the Hee Hawl of Fame.

  • :crown:TireGuy has won one Golden crown.

*:crown: digger66 has won one Golden crown.

Silver Donks Composite Wed 3PM Wed 9PM Sun 3PM Sun 7PM
Champion :crown:Boricua25 :crown:Blitzcreek :crown:nimwin14 :crown:ROTTWEILER:crown:Boricua25
Second Place ROTTWEILER Kondrad boatdrinks Kondrad Rain
Third Place Kondrad Mahvelous kspchiefs Erithacus nimwin14

Silver Donks
  • :crown:Blitzcreek has won one Silver crown and earned induction into the Hee Hawl of Fame.

*:crown: :crown: Boricua25 has won two Silver crown.

  • :crown:nimwin14 has won one Silver crown and earned induction into the Hee Hawl of Fame.

*:crown: ROTTWEILER has won one Silver crown and earned induction into the Hee Hawl of Fame.

Tournament of Champions Leaderboard
  • Oltop has won a Tournament of Champions bracelet.
All-Donks-In Series
  • nafffy has won an All-Donks-In bracelet

Advancing Silvers

All Silver will be playing in the Golden Donks as of January 2024 Q1

Congratulations go to all award winners

A special shoutout goes to our Donks who played in at least 40 of our 48 regular weekly games this quarter. Thank you for your outstanding commitment to our league.

Games Donks
48 theweasle
47 snitty
46 Shadowone
44 buddhaJ09
43 PF540
41 nafffy
40 clueless1
40 Gotthejack
40 digger66


I’ve noticed that BW hasn’t had a chance to update your leaderboards yet (obviously enjoying her well earned holidays) so I’ve resurrected my old Donks LB’s and popped in some results to give you something to look at in the meantime.


@flashlight Thank you for taking time for taking the time for doing leaderboard for us


Updated to include all results so far.

1 Like

Some week 1 stats:

99 different players played at least 1 game in week 1
17 players played all 4 games in week 1
Field size 53,48,63,53
Four players “cashed” twice (@Gotthejack 1st, 6th; @Josianne 1st, 9th; @Snitty 2nd, 10th; and @Fizzyfitz 6th, 7th)
33 different players “cashed” on week 1 to get the jump in the annual championships.

Let keep it going and most of all have fun
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