Amazing hero call (Great levelling hand)

I just want to say that I was really impress by this call, regardless if he meant it or not it is quite impressive especially with the other player still at play since this was an SnG.

This hand right here Is what playing levels looks like, a great representation of 4D chess. From the outside it looks really goofy but it makes sense for the players playing it (Although I never gave a reason he just straight up soul read me lol)

what is your favorite levelling hand? Either from one of your hands or from someone else that you have seen.
My all time favorite is this one

bro this is not an hero call he is just a CS imo. He has a spade who block your bluffing range, this hero has no sense

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I have to agree. If I was in the hand, I would put you on bottom pair, or draw, flop, turn. River, I am putting you on a bottom pair, middle pair, or top pair, crappy kicker, basically hands like Q2, Jx, Tx, that calling minbets flop, turn, that semi bluffing river. At likely worst, even if don’t have bottom pair, and have nothing, I am at least putting you on something better then A6, like A7, A8, A9, that missed, that beats A6, that your turning into a semi bluff, bluff. Those kind of holdings fit the story, action, how the hand played out. And all those semi likely holdings beat A6.

And the 6 of spades makes it more likely that you don’t, didnt have a busted spade flush draw that bluffing the river.

There is only about a 3% to 7% to 13% to 23% chance that bluffing with a nothing that his A6 beats. And because of that, he needs to have his call be right about 77% of time to be profitable over the long term in this kind of spot, an or needs 5.5 to 1 pot odds to make a ultimate hero call.

7.5 times out of 10 in this kind of spot, situation, board texture, etc, if he calls you, he is beat.

Also the river could have completed 3 card possible straight that you shoving because since he was betting every street he might have something better then A6 to call, pay off a semi polarized 3 card straight shove.

Also with the last 3 cards of board being Q, T, J, Punisher could easily have had JT, where he flat calling on pair of tens, and made 2 pair on river, and again shoved river because Villain might have something good enough to pay off a semi polarized 2 pair JT.

Just so many, too many ways that villain is semi likely beat, that fits the story, action, how the hand played out, etc.

Because of that, even tho it technically was right call, ahead, per se, it was the wrong call, a bad call, and Villain was just being a call station. Villain just got lucky that his bad, call station call worked out for him, and that you had 56 nothing instead of hands like Q2, Jx, Tx, A7, A8, etc, that turned into semi bluff, bluff, that beat A6.

In the future, Villain will stack off, punt, pay hero off in future big time, if Hero ever plays against him in the future.

Also, pretty sure a solver, GTO wizard, etc, would probably say that Villain should have folded to your river shove.


Oh wow, I wasn’t expecting a great breakdown of the hand.
Yeah I’m going to be showing up on this spot pretty much always ahead, In Villain spot is hoping I have a straight bluff which won’t be many.

and yup, that is exactly what happened after I adjusted in the same SnG.


He was being nitty before, which really surprised me that he called me really light.
The pressure might of got to him, and he had enough which ended up on a good timing lol
I still give him credit, pretty hard to call in this spot regardless.

Hahaha! Funny hand.

He is not leveling; he is just clicking buttons. I have notes on this guy, this is what they say:


Those are my actual notes lmao :joy:


Lmao that’s wild :joy:
I figured to be honest, still an impressive hero call. Got Tony Hawked
Recently got destroyed by pocket deuce, I honestly find these hero calls impressive since its rare in real money games. I know most likely they are clicking buttons like you said but impressive nonetheless lol

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Against 1 of the better, best players on entire site, late in 1 mil buy in tournament, I raised 22 on button. I had a semi tight, semi good image. Hadnt bluffed her, altho had bluffed others successfully about 2,3,4,5 times all tournament long, that she didnt see.

She reasonably MDF called with JT off. She whiffed flop, no pair, no draw nothing. She checked. I bet about 3/5th pot. There was a zillion ways she possibly beat on that board. She called with Jt off no pair, no draw nothing. I put her on a small underpair + gutshot draw. I figured if she checked that, then I could shove all in, and she’d fold a very small underpair + gut shot draw. I didnt think she was slowplaying on such a wet, extremely drawy board. So I shoved all in about 3300 on Turn, and she called with JT no pair no draw, absolute air, nothing, She hit a river 10 to bad beat me.

She is ranked 400 or higher plays the higher, highest stakes and has 300+ million bankroll.

Only reason why mention it, is to show how soft even the higher, semi highest stakes, semi highest ranked players, etc are.

Only explanation a friend of mine, and me could come up with for her play that didnt make any sense to me or my friend, is that she was tilting, and being semi bullheaded to stubbornly try to bluff catch.

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To be honest, there are very few players here that are impressively really good.
Many top rank players are just the ones who play solid abc poker and who massed a lot of chips throughout the years. Ranks don’t really say anything about the level of a player.
Overall the field is pretty weak because at the end of the day it is play money and the best players moved on to real money games.
So I’m not really that surprised you came across a top rank player with a massive leak.
Honestly we all got leaks, but the field is pretty soft.

It could be all of the reasons you provided, but also there are times where people misclick. I have done it several times lol or like Younguru said, they are just clicking buttons. just vibin, now you know to take her to value town in the future.

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Could have misread her hand and thought she had J4


We should create a thread of all the iconic hands in poker lol


@lihiue I see you big dogg :joy:

PS all the good players are at nosebleed ring. There are maybe 8 players on Replay who I would rate as “strong” for tournaments. For ring that number climbs to maybe 15.

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I Just went over to the nosebleed ring, there are no sign of strong players bro, 30 ish eff. stack BTN limp n called a 3 bet with 52o n stacked off to a an overbet c bet shove on 765r flop… you are overrating them bro.

But a J high doesn’t bluff catch.

Her play makes absolutely no sense, unless she had you outstacked 5x, 10x late in tourn, trying to suck you out knowing she’s behind. What were the stacks?

I know that when it’s say final table and the blinds are huge, everybody gets nitty looking for a jam. It gets difficult to value bet. People will limp-trap AA, KK, because if you open your AA everybody folds. So whenever I see the short stack tanking pre I check out my stack odds to them and anyone else to act. I’f I’m heads-up and have them outstacked 8 to1 say, I’m ready to call a jam with half of all hands. All you have to do is hit.

When I said that me and a friend thought she was on tilt and bullheadedly try to bluff catch. While JT, its technically not a bluff catch. Maybe she thought she was bluff catch, and maybe she was tilted.

Also maybe before she played me, while she at another table maybe a player bluffed her out of her shoes with 23 off stone cold nothing air no pair no draw etc, and she lost a huge pot, and she was shown the bluff, and she was tilted, so that when she played me, she was thinking I’m not going to let 23 stone cold air no pair no draw bluff me out again, so I’m going to call with JT no pair no draw, to bluff catch 23 this time.

Blinds were about 330/600. Our stacks were about 12.5k bb stacks. Thats about 7.5k stacks Preflop button raise size was about 1350. About 1/2 pot to 3/5th pot sized bet, which about half 2/5 stack. That left about 3300 to 3500 in both her stack and my stack after she called with JT nothing on flop. If she folded JT air no pair no draw to my 3300 to 3500 turn shove. She would have had about 6 x bb stack left, which workable if semi lucky combined with knowing how to play a 6 x bb short stack.

In Any case the reason Why I even mentioned it, brought it up, is to show how very soft it is even at the higher, highest stakes

I’m talking about 250/500k and up
guys like MansoorH, PassiveLimper, Bison_Meat

Mansoor is a awesome MTT tournament player. Have played against him a lot, and he ranks right up there with Almost Live, others

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You said all the good players are at the nosebleed ring. I literally went over to a nosebleed ring and spectated for a few hands, Passivelimper was there.
from the few hands that I saw the hand I commented on was one of the highlights, That was just really bad mate. I have seen better players with better fundamentals at 1k/500 games here in replay.
I’m sure the people you mention are exceptionally good (probably) but not everyone at the nosebleed is an automatic a good player. You give them too much credit bro, don’t fear them, crush them.

My take, having played a reasonable amount at the highest stakes, is that there are very few players even trying to play close to theoretically correct. Judging them by that standard after a few hands is a mistake though.

Deliberately or not, most of them have been playing their strategies long enough that they have some counters built in. They’re also somewhat protected by everyone having a slightly different strategy and the majority of pots still going multiway on the flop. You can’t just go the max exploit path.

They might not be playing the best poker, but you’re going to have to mix things up and be playing at a fairly high level to be beating them consistently.

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