All in players

Ive been away from online poker for several years just getting back into it now the nothing but “ALL IN” players are crazy here even in ring games i just sat in a 9 player holdem ring game around the table sat players with 20 - 25 thousand except 1- 103 thousand and 1 - 75 thousand guess who was doing all the bidding even on the opening bid was 1000 - 5000 why and during tournaments when you going pretty good you either get poofed or someone gets poofed to you 8 times out of 10 theres going to be 1 or 2 players with an ouragous bank roll whos either going to outbid everyone or bid so much other players cant afford the risk i know its been a problem for forever but i think with a little planning and organization and technology i think a good start in tournaments try to match players to tables with stats and bank roll to at least mak it competitive and engaging instead absolute frustration youll never stop the “ALL IN” players who jump in and go all in until they win enough to pressure other players into losing all and some may and not come but at least make it fair so everyone is on a level playing field this is only my opinions expressed here and from my own experiences i have no idea how this operation generates the games and players and going ALL IN has always and should always be a part of poker theres also different levels. Thank you for reading this sorry its so long. Peace. Lets all have some fun

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Unfortunately it is what it is with this site. You just to adapt and change strategies some days. Probably everyday actually. But welcome to the site and good luck to you.

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NL is the game…maybe try fixed ? All in every hand is a pain in the A but that doesn’t happen much at higher stakes tables.

Oh i get that and the “all in” will and should always be a part of poker but time and time again guys will pop in go all in 2 - 4 times against mostly players who are down cant afford to risk losing in order to stay in the game y your always going to have that BUT grouping players during tournaments i think can and should be a bit more organized according to skill and bank roll similar to most tourneys in various games a losers and a winners bracket its even in ring games buy in at 10 - 40K and guys are sitting there with over 100K on 100/200 NL holdem table every time i or someone thats low they over bid by what their bank is a that can definitely be monitored and corrected easily if i wasnt purchasing coins just to be able to compete i wouldnt care and i its not just me and you will NEVER do that in a real casino

this is NOT a real casino for one thing . you just have to go with the flow because things at free poker are not going to change.

First off i have NEVER done is just go with the flow otherwise you get swallowed up and if this is free why do i pay for chips in order to just relax and play a game of cards so i guess its free if you take your daily chips to a table go all in until you got a big enough bank roll to play other games not really fair for those who actually pay now is it

First off let me thank you for buying chips,it keeps the site running for all of us!No one MAKES yo buy chips this site gives you free chips multiple times daily.No one one makes you play at a table where someone goes all in all the time…there are many tables to choose from. If i’m at a table with a all inner i leave or sit out. Like i said before you could always try pot or fixed limit,
give it a try. GL at poker and enjoy your day at Replay!

Write down names and Don’t play those tables!

Or watch before Ya join.

Welcome to Replay; Home of the ALL IN.

Home of the Flush every other hand.

Home of the Kicker counts/Doesn’t count.

Home of the SPIT POT with INFERIOUR hands.

Retirement Home for all BUGS the internret can find, Ha!

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This happens in live poker and online real money poker, too. Maybe less so, but it’s not unique to Replay. At low stakes there will always be players who don’t take the stakes seriously and go all-in way too often. If you don’t like it, move up in stakes :slight_smile:

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If i’m at a table with a all inner i leave or sit out.

If I’m at a table with an “all-inner” I start salivating and wait for a premium to call them with!

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Geez, either u making more sense or i am tired:)…Yep, bingo players EVERWHERE----cash games included, it seems just pushing a button behind a screen is easy for bingo donks----At casinos, VERY seldom does it happen.

Especially with NoneGuru!

He’s not betting real money, Ha! :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:

Why do people complain about how other people play? If they are playing badly take advantage of it, if they are not playing badly then they are playing correctly if they are making chips…if you have a big stack in a tourney its often a good idea to go ‘aggro’ and intimidate the lower stacks, its just yet another strategy its no good ‘complaining’ about it! lol


Correct me if I’m wrong Bill, but don’t casino games also typically run much deeper? You’ll see people go all-in a lot less even online in games that normally play deep too. I don’t think it’s a conscious decision - the people I’m talking about barely are conscious - but everyone being deep does seem to discourage the bingo play.
I’m sure the in person factor is a bigger impact, I’ve just been playing a lot of deep stack cash lately and I found it funny how passive preflop has been in a pool where people seem desperate to donate all their chips in every other spot.

I am taking about ring games-not tournaments if that what you are talking about. I also was talking pr-flop Y you know, bingo Donks )…Online cash n here a lot of bingo, casino hardly EVER…I have no patience for tournaments----especially inn a casino as they take FOREVER…

As u can also see, i am basically illiterate, so lucky i am good with math:)—like 7 -stud-u get rolled up u got about a 40% chance of getting a house or quads—hold-em pocket pair about 1 in 8 2 flop a set or better—ok, that is about my math limit:)

Last one–i JUST got done playing a small cash game-----(love weekend Donks lol ) and i had pocket A’S of of course a nice pre-flop raise ( or EVERYONE will chase you ) and guy puts me all in with J-6 off suit, my A’s won:).

I’ve had 3 barrel aged stouts tonight and didn’t understand a word of that. Not sure if that’s a you problem, or a me problem, but it’s all good :slight_smile:
Happy your aces held!

PS I don’t get along with tournament poker either

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