There have been players who thought the wrong hand won but were shown this not to be the case. I think the following hand has a Replay error. It is an Omaha Hi/Lo game and I will add that the pot split is correct. Hand #381587899
The split pot is correct in a Hi-Lo game, but curious why you think the hand has a replay error?
The Low hand wasn’t a Royal Flush but the fact it was also a flush I don’t think would not have mattered when it comes to Low hand.
The dealer message
is really wrong. On Omaha can not 2 players have Royal Flush in one hand, because 3 cards from table, 2 cards from Holecards. Right would be this:
Better tech team look to it.
The link to the hand:
Hi, That hand was March 2018, but I have asked the Tech team to check it out.
I found more recent examples where the Dealer calls the low hand correctly:
Now that is definitely an oddity. Important thing was it did split the pot correctly, but the dealer call was certainly messed up. Only flashlight had the Royal on the high end as pompeyb120 certainly can’t play cards in flashlight’s hand, but pompeyb120 did have the low but the dealer didnt call a low. Very old hand so hopefully that glitch was fixed by now.
On Omaha Hi/Lo posts the dealer first the Hi winner, then the Lo winner. On this hand posted the dealer first the Hi loser and gave him a Royal Flush. It was a shared pay out of the Hi part, and not a Hi/Lo split. And the dealer posted no Lo winner on this hand, forgot to make the Hi/Lo split. Very wrong.
Please take a look at the post from Chasetheriver :