Sir, I saw your rating. It is very good. I bet you never raise before the flop in Omaha hi lo. I do not . When I see the few that do, most likely they have a low rating. I have found 26 bingo players with something in common… they all have no friends. A few have 1 or 2.
As I said , I raise 1 level before the flop in holdem with certain hands. I want callers and if the flop seems to help others I have lost only a few chips. Does that make sense to you? I think florida is talking about holdem…There is a big difference between the different games. Thanks for your email… gl at the tables.
November 10
Most good players do not go all in before the flop or make huge bets.
This is so incorrect, the exact opposite is true.
Good players with decent hole cards most often raise a good amount pre-flop to isolate the competition to heads up or 3 handed.
Ohh my , my … … No, Yes, and Duhhh, heck yea.
Rob, of the 3, Florida has the right play.
You’d actually be surprised how often Coder is right, in that I see ppl open shoving a 2! or 3! for 4-10m on Hagia, all the time… with AA. I personally think Florida has the right play as he did explain.
@Underload ,
You’d think that @ 1m+ buyin for rings gets you above the, way too agressive players … but it doesn’t seen to be the case. It kinda boils down to… do you wanna be the agressor or the caller, going into the flop.
This can be as simple as raising and getting a few callers, then Flop has A/K or both, and no matter what you have, you can then rep and c-bet the flop… or
Do you just call with AA, then see a dry Axx flop, where you minbet/check kinda to induce a bigger raise, that you can re-raise knowing you’re crushing everything someone will bet with… and they might even donk off thier whole stack, re-raising.
Some ppl just play, some use math/odds, some bankroll/stack, others may play posistion, still others situational, agressive or passsive, even play the players not the cards. Every hand on every table is different, yet alot are simmilar.
Altho I think the answer you seek, just might be…
Feel the table out or know the players already, be aware of stack sizes, but tailor your preflop betting size to what as Tacos said, will be your objective of your bet. possibly use the HCD (highest common denominator) ie-bet size, so you don’t get blown off course by the 1-2 huge stacks.