Recently, I have joined the donks league, which has much stronger play than pretty much any other tournaments on this site, which has caused me to make adjustments in my strategy, one I have been wondering recently is if against a raise I should be 3-betting light or calling with marginal hands. Donks players have all sorts of raising ranges, some open around 25% of hands or even more when it folds to them in the late position or SB while others never raise. Against those that do raise more than 10-15% of hands I have been wondering what to do with my marginal hands (Meaning 3bet or call against their raise). In position there are pros and cons to both. If I call in position, I allow the pot to have a higher SPR (Stack-to-pot ratio), and with a higher SPR, positional advantage becomes more important, however, I give the raiser the opportunity to c-bet with his entire range forcing me to fold a good amount of the time or making me in tough spots on many turns. The other option is to 3bet somewhat light, which gives me the advantage of being the pre-flop aggressor, while protecting my premium hands that I am 3betting. A lot of the time my opponents will be forced to check fold since a 3better typically has a premium range, the con is that the SPR will typically be low, which decreases my positional advantage.
Out of position I am just as confused. In the blinds I am getting a discount price on raises which could make me want to call, however I will be OOP without being the preflop aggressor which seems -EV in a lot of scenarios. The other option is to 3bet, which once again protects my premium 3bet for value range and lets me take down these pots preflop which can help since I have positional disadvantage from the blinds, however if they call my 3bets often out of the blinds, I will be OOP in a large pot which is not good either.
One more advantage to 3betting is that almost every time I will be heads up, which is good since multiway pots can be hard to navigate. I understand that I probably should be 3betting with hands that have blocker value like some Ax hands and calling with implied odds hands like low pocket pairs and suited connecters, but hands like KJs I am not sure. What do you guys think?