1500 starting chips in Heads-up SNG

We have1500 starting chips in Heads-up at the low stake games, why not for the stakes above. Such a perfect starting stack. Typical game with 3000 starting stack:- opponent playing way to tight, me raising every hand falling asleep in the tedium making very little indent into opponents stack until about 40 minutes into the game. Opponent wakes up goes all-in, I call out of share boredem with a allin worthy hand only to lose and now having to face the tedium back at square one.

This could be made so much better or avoided all together if only we had 1500 chips at all buy-ins.


While your suggestion would speed the overall game up it would also remove player’s choice to play a tourney with higher starting stacks. Personally, I am a believer of choice verses all stacks set at one level.
GL at the tables and have fun!

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Cheers. Appreciate some people like playing with bigger stacks, although all the people i’ve talked to at the tables agree that they are too big. It forces myself to play far more aggressively than I normally would just to speed the game along.

I guess adding more games would spread the player base too thin, else we would already have a greater choice like 500 chips with 3 minute blinds (I can but dream), 1500/6min and what we currently have at high stake 3000/6min as most real money sites do.

Would not be such a big problem but for most people playing this format way too passively, as this is a relatively niche form of poker for a play money site (Replay being the only play money site that offers it, as far as I’m aware) I’m not criticising the Replay community as I realise most learn 6/9 max strategy as a priority.

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Maybe the answer for a compromise, would be leave all existing level’s of stacks and add a filter for those who want to play 1500 stacks? There is a lot of them at Replay however I doubt that will be a very high priority, with the lag/freeze problems right now.


Sounds like a good idea. There are a steady stream of Heads-Up players at most times of day so I think it would be viable, if they could find the time to implement it.

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A basic solution to make the games “feel” less slow & boring & more fun is trying to play 2 HU simultaneously.

Basically what you are asking for is a Turbo structure for all HU games.

Do you understand why the starting stacks change from 1500 at the lowest stakes and go up by an extra 500 to 2000, 2500, 3000 as the stakes get higher? It does make the games slower, more tedious and maybe more boring to some. Adding more chips & slowing down the game reduces the element of luck, and allows players to realise their skill edge more each game, or basically reduces variance.

I’m sure some players would agree and support your suggestion to keep it all at 1500 and speed up games to make them “more fun” whilst other players would disagree and feel it dilutes the “value” of playing higher stakes and simply increases variance, and reduces a players skill edge.

I agree with @Litenin. I think adding some limited Turbo HU SNGs, as your suggesting at a few stake levels like 25K, 50K, 100K might be desirable and get support from some players, but changing ALL games HU to Turbo is not a good direction IMO.

Agree! Its deff something RP needs to keep in mind whilst planning and adjusting structures. I’m sure RP fairly regularly considers making changes, trying to keep the games as fun as possible for players on RP, but its a fine balance.

Maybe a limit of 2 SNG HU Turbo games for each player per day would limit splitting the player pool and prevent “spread the player base too thin.”

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