Hi, my location suddenly switched to Germany from Ukraine. I don’t play with turned on VPN. My ip address is correct Ukrainian. I could not fix my location in settings or user profile.
Can you help me with that?
Hi, yet nobody replied. Come on, is this unfixable issue?
nix Germany…look at your profile…gl
It’s not here on forum. I was talking about poker client replaypoker.com.
Oh somebody already fixed my location and flag there. Thank you.
I just checked your profile on Replay.com and it says your IP is from Ukraine, perhaps this was a temporary issue caused by your provider routing internet connections through a german server because of internet issues in the Ukraine that were maybe caused by the current situation there.
However, it seems to be back to normal now.
Good luck at the tables my friend.
Hi @Victor_Od!
Player’s flag is not something we can manually change as it is dependent on your IP. We have an article about this topic for things you can check on your side of things to update your flag if it’s showing the wrong one. Please check it out: